How to access the properties of a class that is within another class?


Viewed 12 times


I have this custom control:

public class CustomButton : Button
     public Test Test { get; set; }

And this class:

public class Teste
     public string MyProperty { get; set; }

I want to change this property MyProperty, doing this in C# is very easy, but I have to do this in XAML and it doesn’t work. What I’m using so far is this:

    <cc:Teste x:Key="Exemplo" MyProperty="Exemplo"/>

<cc:CustomButton Test="{StaticResource Exemplo}"/>

But I get that very common mistake of NullReferenceException. How can I access this property MyProperty and change its value by XAML?

  • The error in C#, not XAML, you need to initialize the object before accessing it. You manipulate data in C#, XMAL is not a programming language.

  • @Maniero I did what you said, I entered the Test class, but there is another problem, in the example I left above, I leave the property Myproperty with the value "Example", I did some tests here and one time the value of Myproperty is simply nothing and another time is the text of Example, never gets only Example.

  • It’s like I have two instances of Test, one hour calls the one with the text, another hour calls the one without text.

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