Error receiving webhook json


Viewed 81 times


Hello, I’m trying to use Google Script to request a webhook and return it to a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

I’m getting the following when I try to debug the functions post:

"Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'Postdata' of Undefined (line 10, file "Code")"

Someone can help?

here is the code:

''' Function doPost(e) { var Spreadsheet = Spreadsheetapp.openById('SHEET ID'); script/Reference/Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet-app#openbyidid var sheet = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Leads');

var requestData = JSON.parse(e.postData.Contents); var leadData = requestData.leads;

var trava = Lockservice.getScriptLock(); latch.waitLock(2000);

var values = [] var timestamp = new Date(); var Jsonsource = JSON.stringify(requestData);

for (var i = 0; i < leadData.length; i++) { values.push([Jsonsource, timestamp, leadData[i]. email, leadData[i]. personal_phone, leadData[i]. name, leadData[i]. job_title, leadData[i]. custom_fields["custom field name"], leadData[i]. custom_fields["name of other custom field"], leadData[i]. first_conversion.content.identifier, leadData[i]. first_conversion.conversion_origin.source, leadData[i]. first_conversion.conversion_origin.medium]); }

sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow()+1, 1, values.length, values[0].length). setValues(values); Spreadsheetapp.flush();

sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(), values[0].length + 1). setFormulaR1C1("if(countif(mqlEmails;R[0]C[-9])>0;"MQL";"Lead")"); // Formula to identify if lead is also Opportunity sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(), values[0]. length + 2). setFormulaR1C1("if(countif(oppEmails;R[0]C[-10])>0;"Opp";"Lead")");

latch.releaseLock(); Return "OK"; }

Function doGet(request) { Return Htmlservice.createHtmlOutput("

Get request received.

This function helps you identify if the integration Web App is active.

"); }'''

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1 answer


What is the content of the object "and"?

What is line 10?

Assuming that line 10 is this:

var requestData = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents); var leadData = requestData.leads;

The object and does not have the attribute Postdata because it is undefined. Somewhere before this line in the code you should have a test to see if the object was created or if the function that creates it had an error.

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