Select2 does not open when screen is smaller


Viewed 129 times


I have a problem when Select2 is in a form and near the end of the screen, so it does not open because it understands that there is not enough space, I would like to know how to do in this case.

The fields that are higher up work but when it gets closer to the end of the page these fields do not open because of the screen size, if it were a normal select it would open the above options but as it is Select2 does not open.

Cliquei no select2 mas ele não abre

  • Welcome to Stackoverflow! Please explain the problem better, and if possible include a example of code that reproduces what is happening, because your question is too wide. See the help center how to ask.

  • Select2 automatically opens up if you don’t have space. Isn’t that happening? you can make a jsFiddle to demonstrate the problem?

  • I solved the problem, in the Body css of the page was with "position:relative", disabled this property and returned to work Select2, thanks!!

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