Pick id result and play for input


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I don’t know how to research and in case there might be the same kind of difficulty around here, I’m sorry.

I’m having a hard time, I want to take the value that is presented after Ubmit and put this value with id="result" in an input to postriorly send in a form. Only that the value it presents is coming as text and I want to take this text for an input.

Example: TEXT: R$ 0,00 Pick this result and play in input.

What I’ve done and can imagine what it can be:


$("#resultado").text("R$ " + (bandeirada + distancia * bandeira + (duracao / 3) * tempo_parado).toFixed(2));

I don’t know if the value . text can be, but it has some other kind of value?


<td class="text-primary" name="resultado" id="resultado"></td>

I have a modal of bootstrap on the same page and in case it was input to input I know how to do. Now Text to input not to knowing :(

EDIT: I was able to display the value after Ubmit by changing . text to . val Now I want to take the value after Submit to the modal input. Follow picture: https://i.ibb.co/dcxCkrR/psc.png

EDIT2: Now I’m at another impasse, as per image https://i.ibb.co/Nxfxpyz/input.png

The values I take and pass to another input are values after Submit.

Javascript after Ubmit to get the values and onclick="setValue":

function setValue () {
    var nome = document.getElementById("end").value;
    document.getElementById("destino_form").value = nome;

And when I want to take a 'result' value from one input and move on to another after I’ve given Submit?

Thank you!

  • 1

    I don’t quite understand, you want to get the text from inside this td id="resultado", that’s it?

  • https://i.ibb.co/dcxCkrR/psc.png - Here is an image of the value shown after Ubmit and I want q in the modal.

  • 1

    So you can give one .val() in the input to read, and a .val(valor) to assign, but you commented q already know how to do this, if to get a text is the same way, .html() reads the html q has inside the selector, .html( valor ) assigning

  • I made a new edition as edit2

  • 1

    You made the function in jquery inves javascript now, but the procedure is the same, and its function seems to be ok, you take with .value and a set with .value = valor, what would be your doubt? if this function is not working, maybe it is in the referencing of the elements in the DOM or how you are calling it

  • I got it with the same function presented above! Thanks Luis! I was really missing on a reference of a name. Thanks!

  • Show, I’m glad you decided!!

  • 1

    How are you using Bootstrap would do with the $('iddomodal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {...} of the Bootstrap modal itself. But if you’ve decided to let it go.

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