Transform query result into Json


Viewed 120 times


I’m trying to convert a result of a database query to json yet every time I make a resquest to get the value of the same the server goes always below and I believe it is because it is a lot of information.

The consultation I am carrying out is as follows:

  $page = Page::with('view', 

Is there any way to return this result in json I’ve tried through the Eloquent Resource Api only that the way the BackOffice is built not allowing me to return as above.

I tried with a simpler query and always returns error 500 in the logs does not appear anything.

Simplest consultation.

$translation = PageTranslation::where('slug', 'home')

Pagetranslation Model


namespace App\Models;

use App\Traits\Imageable;
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;

class PageTranslation extends ElementTranslation
    use Searchable,

    public $timestamps = false;
    protected $fillable = ['page_id', 'title', 'description', 'keywords', 'slug', 'starred_title', 'starred_text', 'image'];
    protected $appends = ['last_slug', 'localized_complete_url', 'complete_url', 'image_url'];

     * Get the indexable data array for the model.
     * @return array
    public function toSearchableArray()
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
            'title' => $this->title,
            'description' => $this->description,
            'keywords' => $this->keywords,

    public function page()
        return $this->belongsTo(Page::class);

    public function getLastSlugAttribute(): string
        return $this->attributes['slug'];

    public function getCompleteUrlAttribute(): string

        $slug = $this->last_slug;

        if (optional($this->page)->page_id != null) {
            $slug = $this->page->parentPage->translate($this->locale)->complete_url . '/' . $slug;
        if ($this->locale != \LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale()) {
            $slug = $this->locale . '/' . $slug;
        return $slug;

    public function getLocalizedCompleteUrlAttribute(): string
        return $this->locale . '/' . $this->complete_url;




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Storage;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use App\Models\Page;
use App\Models\Text;
use App\Models\View;
use App\Models\Listing;
use Dingo\Api\Routing\Helpers;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable;

class PageController extends Controller {

    // use \App\Traits\GetViewNameTrait;
    use \App\Traits\GetIndentedPageList;
    use Helpers;

    function __construct() {
        $this->locales = config('translatable.locales');
        $this->legal = config('lk.legalPages');

    public function index($string = null) {

        $pages = Page::without('activeListings', 'activeBanners', 'activeGalleries', 'texts')->with('parentPage', 'author', 'menuItems')->get();

        if ($string == null) {

            $filtered = $pages->whereNotIn('id', $this->legal);
        } else {
            $filtered = $pages->whereNotIn('id', $this->legal)->union($pages->whereIn('page_id', config('')));

        return view('admin.pages.index')->with([
                    'pages' => $filtered,

    public function legal() {

        $pages = Page::with('author')->findMany($this->legal);

        return view('admin.pages.index')->with([
                    'pages' => $pages,

    public function create() {

        if (auth()->user()->cannot('create-pages')) {

        $now = Carbon::now();

        return view('admin.pages.create')->with([
                    'pages' => $this->indentList(),
                    'views' => View::all()->pluck('description', 'id'),
                    'locales' => $this->locales,
                    'date' => $now->toDateString(),
                    'time' => $now->toTimeString(),
                    'schedule' => 0,
                    'now' => 1,
                    'forever' => 1,
                    'until' => 0,

    public function store(\App\Http\Requests\CreatePage $request) {

        if (auth()->user()->cannot('create-pages')) {

        $page = (new Page)->fill($request->all());

        if (auth()->user()->cannot('publish-all-pages')) {
            $page->published_at = $page->published_until = '';

        if (count($request->files) > 0) {
            foreach ($request->files as $locale => $file) {

                $imageExtension = $file['image']->getClientOriginalExtension();
                $imageName = setImageName($page->translate($locale)->title, $imageExtension);

                $page->translate($locale)->image = Storage::disk('public')->putFileAs('pages', $file['image'], $imageName);


        return redirect('admin/pages/edit/' . $page->id)->with('ntsuccess', 'Criada com sucesso!');

    public function edit($id) {

        $page = Page::findOrFail($id);

        if (($page->active && auth()->user()->cannot('edit-published-pages'))) {

        return view('admin.pages.edit')->with([
                    'page' => $page,
                    'views' => View::all()->pluck('description', 'id'),
                    'locales' => $this->locales,
                    'pages' => $this->indentList($id),

    public function update(\App\Http\Requests\CreatePage $request, $id) {

        if (auth()->user()->cannot('edit-published-pages') || auth()->user()->cannot('edit-pages')) {

        $page = Page::findOrFail($id);


        if (!$request->has('starred')) {
            $page->starred = 0;

        if (auth()->user()->cannot('publish-all-pages')) {
            $page->published_at = $page->published_until = '';

        if (count($request->files) > 0) {
            foreach ($request->files as $locale => $file) {

                $translated = $page->translate($locale);

                $imageExtension = $file['image']->getClientOriginalExtension();
                $imageName = setImageName($translated->title, $imageExtension);

                if ($translated->getOriginal('image') != '') {

                $translated->image = Storage::disk('public')->putFileAs('pages', $file['image'], $imageName);



        return redirect('admin/pages/edit/' . $page->id)->with('ntsuccess', 'Editada com sucesso!');

    public function destroy($id) {

        $page = Page::findorFail($id);

        if (auth()->user()->cannot('delete-all-pages')) {


        return redirect()->back()->with('ntsuccess', 'Eliminada com sucesso!');

     *  gets an array like:
     * [
     * 55 => "<p>principal</p>\r\n",
     * 56 => "<p>secund&aacute;rio</p>\r\n"
     * ]
     * the key is the text id, the value is the value to store

    private function updateText(\App\Http\Requests\CreatePage $r) {

        foreach ($this->locales as $locale) {

            foreach ($r[$locale]['text'] as $key => $value) {
                $text = Text::findOrFail($key);

                $text->translateOrNew($locale)->body = $value;


    public function pagecontent(){
        $translation = Listing::with('translations', 'listingItems.translations')->find(4)->toArray();
        return $this->response->array($translation->attributesToArray());

If you change the toArray() for attributesToArray() works.

  • I think you’re running too much stuff, I’d like to understand why you’re carrying so many relationships?

  • Because the result of this modal is the need to send

  • It was to work, post the models too, there’s no way to know so, have to look at the tables and maybe the relationships to try to find the problem identified by you

  • I tested with a simpler query and gives the same problem yet with attributesToArray works. I added this detail to the question and the model too.

  • Please help me I’m already in despair :)

  • Puts every controller

  • I’ve updated the question

  • is the Index method?

  • I don’t have that method

  • In your controller you have an index method?

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