Is it possible to select graphics card?


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I am wanting to create a small web program where I need to select a video card.

It is a software for displaying music on projector. As the PC will have two boards one will only show on projector.

Now that they are:

  • The system needs to be Web because it will be linked to an existing project.

  • It is possible to do this magic...?

This is a windows version, but the idea is similar, where this in red I will not use.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Your system even has all these technologies you tagged in the tags?

  • I think I understood your question because I’ve been in a similar situation. I am considering that you need to make a system that runs on a browser, but that will run on a specific computer that you control. And you need the image or part of it to appear on a specific monitor (forget the video card, the operating system abstracts each output as a monitor/display). Correct me if any of these premises are wrong.

  • In this case you can use a browser that gives you more control over things, rather than an ordinary browser. I’ve done similar things successfully using Node-Webkit (which is a Webkit Frankenstein with Node.js)

  • @bfavaretto Exactly that. I’m thinking of several alternatives. It can be a program made in java installed on the PC, but could only be accessed by the online system. An actionscript that would work similarly. Indicates some online material for me to study?

  • Did you take a look at the Node-Webkit I pointed out? It has a Javascript API that allows you to control a lot of things. For example, you can create a window without borders of target monitor size, and position it on that monitor.

  • @bfavaretto To looking now. Thank you, any news posted here :)

  • @bfavaretto I’m not sure how to use the right term to find what I need. Would "video projector" be right? I found this site Npmjs has various modules, which of these would be what I need?

  • I think all you have to do is position the window at the right coordinate: Set the two screens as a single extended desktop, side by side, and position the window at the point where the projector screen starts.

  • More details:

  • And also:

  • It is very difficult to get any specific material. I am looking for so far. The links you sent did not serve.

  • @bfavaretto Would you know how to do that? How much would you charge me?

  • 1

    Just for the record. With Flash Player I believe it is not possible, the only tool that makes this available is the class Screen, which is only compatible with Adobe AIR Desktop. Now, you can try the class Capabilities. With it you have the current desktop resolution, as well as DPI, pixel ratio, etc.

  • @Tiago I can’t do it by order, I’m already overworked...

  • As @biio suggested, really AIR is a good option too.

  • @biio How much would you charge me to do this? I updated the post with an image.

  • Sorry @Tiago, unfortunately I already have 2 big projects on my agenda, I can not force more.

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