Form with year loop manufacture


Viewed 35 times


Good afternoon! I am developing a form for registration of cars, where I will inform the year of manufacture and year that stopped manufacturing. I am pulling the dice a table to select the manufacturing year, and for the final year I am recovering the value with the following code:

   $('#ano').change(function(e) {
   var texto = document.getElementById('ano').value;
   document.getElementById('ano2').value = texto;

I need to take this amount and add up until it is the final year of the vehicle and make this value appear in my select form.

                       <div class="field"> 
                            <label class="label">Ano do Veículo Final</label>
                            <div class="select is-fullwidth">
                                <div class="field">
                                    <select name="ano2" id='ano2'> 

1 answer


Pass the variable value texto for a function that will popular select ano2

In the function that will popular, perform a loop do .. while that will add the options

       var anoFabricado=2010; // puxado de uma tabela 
    $('#ano').change(function(e) {
       // passe esse valor para uma função que vai popular o select ano2
       var texto = document.getElementById('ano').value;
       document.getElementById("ano2").innerHTML = '<option value="" disabled selected>Ano fabricação até Final</option>';
     function popularSelect(anoFinal){

        //elemento a ser populado
        var meuSelect = document.getElementById("ano2");
        var LeandroDias = function(max){
              meuSelect.add(new Option(anoFabricado++,max--),null);
 <script src=""></script>
    <select name="ano" id='ano'> 

    <select name="ano2" id='ano2'> 

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