Send form without refresh and bring results to the same page


Viewed 415 times


I need to submit a POST form to make a query on a PHP page (dashboard.php) and return the results of that query, on that same page of the form (refresheless), how could you do?

I imagine I’ll have to use Ajax, but I don’t know how...

The code I have, it’s working, I’ve used SESSION, however, is giving refresh on the page.

HTML: (dashboard.php)

    <form method="post" action="verificar-painel-admin.php">
        <input type="text" name="usuario" value="joaozinho" readonly>
        <button type="submit" name="confirm_usuario_pedido">Clique aqui para consultar os pedidos desse usuário.</button>
            <div class="card-deck">
                    // Exibindo os pedidos do cliente caso haja.
                    echo $_SESSION['msg_pedidos_usuario']; 

PHP: (check-panel-admin.php)

    $cliente = $_POST['cliente'];

    // Todos os pedidos do usuário 
    $sql = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT ID_compras FROM usuarios_pedidos WHERE usuario = '$cliente'");
    $qnt_pedidos = mysqli_num_rows($sql);

        // Se existir pedido desse usuário, exibir.
        if ($qnt_pedidos > 0) {

            while ($cont = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){

            $_SESSION['msg_pedidos_usuario'] = "Você possui ". $qnt_pedidos . "pedidos";

            }  } // End IF & While 

             $_SESSION['msg_pedidos_usuario'] = "<h4>Você ainda não possui pedidos!</h4>"; 

    header("Location: painel-admin.php");

1 answer


Hello, yes you will have to use AJAX for such task. I saw that you set jquery, so I will use it in this example.

Since you didn’t display your form page, I’ll tell you what I think should be done.

  • PHP:
  1. Create a file to handle this backend: seu_arquivo.php

  2. Configure the file, and treats to prevent users from accessing this file directly from the browser (I usually send post by ajax, and do a if(!$_POST){ header('location: ...') })

  3. Once you’ve done all the Insert of your form, you’ll have to make a select to have this data ready for display(an interesting way is the PDO::lastInsertId()),

  4. With the data ready, you can choose to generate a json with this data or already display in HTML, within tags and tals (in json is the most current way), and after that echo with the data, exit the file.

  • Javascript
  1. Send the form to the backend by ajax. As you said you do not know how, I will make an example:

    var dados = $('seu_formulario').serialize() // serialize() pega todos os valores dos inputs filhos do formulario no seletor
    // função post(), vai fazer a requisição ajax
    // primeiro parametro é a url,
    // segundo é referente aos dados do seu form a serem enviados, 
    // terceiro é como vc vai lidar com o retorno
            // aqui que vai rolar a exibição, é interessante fazer uma validação antes,
            // voce pode dar um echo 'ERRO' no php e ler esse erro aqui, e exibir pro usuario
            if(respostaAjax == 'ERRO') {
                alert('ERRO blabla...'); // sua tratativa de erro
            } else {
                // vamos supor que você resolveu dar echo no html pronto
                $('sua_div').html(respostaAjax) // pronto, sua div vai ter os dados do backend sem nenhum refresh
                // se você resolveu fazer com json, pode dar um JSON.parse(respostaAjax) e então ir modificando

In a nutshell, that is, if I have any doubts, I am willing, I hope I have helped!!

  • Thank you so much for the answer! but unfortunately I am layman with ajax, json, etc..., I don’t really know how to do it. If it’s not too much to ask, wouldn’t you be able to give more detailed examples based on my code? Since how I send the data from form, until the recovery of the same?

  • No problem, there is, but is there any way we can talk through a chat? Because it will probably be very long

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  • 1

    Good Answer, there are also other libraries like Axios or you can call natively with Xmlhttprequest or with the new fetch().

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