How to Save Desktop Projects in Delphi?


Viewed 801 times


Question: I would like to know how I should proceed to save the desktop of my project, which would be, the .pas that were open when I was working before closing it, and while re-opening Delphi, I would have all these files opened as I left before leaving. (or before the program crashes, close alone).

It is possible to do this?

If so, I’d like to know how.

  • 1

    What is your question exactly?

  • 2

    I was also lost on the question. And if you found an answer, don’t edit the question, answer it yourself.

  • 2

    I tried to reply, but the site did not leave asking to reply in 8 hours... After time I will post then

  • Take advantage of an improved question so that it can be reopened.

  • 2

    @User, we’re trying to reopen the question. So you can answer, and complete the question, so that others in the community can also learn from your problem!

  • @Pauloroberto Question reopened if you want to add the answer.

  • Oops, I came here to edit but already arranged, run you know how it is... Thank you all!

  • @User, hey User, if the question helped you, how about mark it as the most correct? ;-)

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1 answer


use the menu Tools -> Options and mark the two options of Autosave options in Environment Options

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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