How do I "hide" the key to an API before putting the project into Github?


Viewed 249 times


I’m creating a project for a website that uses the Unsplash API (which returns images). The problem is: if I add the call to the API in the remote repository, mine client_id will be exposed as the access URL is:[minha-id]

And if I don’t submit that information, Github Pages won’t work.

You can hide this information (or store it) in a place that is not public and that the application continues to work?

  • You can use environment variables for this. Packages like dotenv may help, although they are not entirely necessary.

  • Environment variables on Github Pages?

  • @Lauromoraes, what do you mean Github pages? AP hasn’t talked at any time about Github pages...

  • 1

    @Luizfelipe commented on the question "to put in my portfolio on github" and "so the pages of github tb not..." so I imagine be pages Estaticas not?

  • @Lauromoraes, really. There even complicates, I had not paid attention to this "detail". Another option would be to use some service like Vercel or Netlify to allow a custom "build" step for the static site, then the environment variable would become a viable option, still keeping the site static. Other than that, on Github pages even, really, you can’t use environment variable even if you don’t. :/

  • I would recommend doing a proxy with Cloudflare cloudworker or using ... but would need to study the documentation. So you could hide the key to the API

  • Hello M.F, put this key in a file like . env or . ini and that file should not be sent to git, so put env or ini in . gitignore to avoid going up and load this value called by your application into a variable that will replace the [minha-id]

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1 answer


If you’re going to put it on Github, then you can use Github Pages with a private repository, but that doesn’t solve your problem, because every time this API is called, anyone can see the parameters (in this case, client_id), simply inspect the requests by the browser itself.

To ensure that no one will see this key, the API call should be made by a backend server, not directly on the frontend. On Github Pages it is not possible to host a backend server.

In short, it should be like this:

  1. The frontend (in this case Github Pages) calls an API to a backend server;
  2. Your backend server calls the API to Unsplash;
  3. Unsplash answers some data to your server;
  4. Your server responds to frontend.

You can use free services (such as Heroku) to host your backend. I recommend using the Express framework with Axios.

Basically, your backend server would be:

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var axios = require('axios');

app.get('/sua-rota', function(req, res) {
  //chama a api do Unsplash
  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

Now, in your Github project, instead of calling the Unsplash API, you should call your server API. If you stay at Heroku, it will be something like this:

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