I have the following problem when uploading file to ASP.NET MVC with AJAX and jQuery
it enters the if that checks if Listings files != null
and arrives in Console.Writeline(source.Filename); to print the name of the file in the terminal
My debt and the following if my ajax is gone? or there is an error in the controller, because this error in the document variable at the time that takes it to the function that counts the characters of the file sent
public async Task<FormularioPrincipalViewModel> LerArquivo([FromForm]FormularioPrincipalViewModel model)//IList<IFormFile> arquivos
int totalDeCaracteres = 0;
int quantidadeDeCaracteres = 0;
//var documentos = new List<Documento>(); //Inutil por enquanto
if (model.ListaArquivos != null)
foreach (IFormFile source in model.ListaArquivos)
using MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
if (Models.Configuration.Documento.ValidarImagem(source.ContentType))
quantidadeDeCaracteres = leitorDeImagem.Executar(output);
totalDeCaracteres += quantidadeDeCaracteres;
if (Models.Configuration.Documento.ValidarPdf(source.ContentType))
quantidadeDeCaracteres = leitorDePdf.Executar(source.FileName, output);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("O Total de caracteres é {0}.", quantidadeDeCaracteres);
totalDeCaracteres += quantidadeDeCaracteres;
var documento = new Documento(source.ContentType, output.ToArray(), quantidadeDeCaracteres);
await documentoRepositorio.Adicionar(documento);//----------------------------------------------------------
model.QuantidadeDeCaracteres = totalDeCaracteres;
return model;
var formdata = new FormData($('#arquivo').get(0));
$("#btnAdd").on('click', function () {
async: true,
data: formdata, // $('#formlist').serialize(),
type: "POST",
url: '/Orcamento/AdicionarDocumento',
success: function () {
Which error? On which line? Put the error here that makes it easier...
– Jaderson