Help with Where in Laravel


Viewed 214 times


Hi, guys wanted a little help from you on a Where.

In my system is like this, I am in the Development photo gallery page( id=1 ), on this page I can register the photos of the month/year of the project ( the stages of the work ). When I register the photos creates a button on the same page with title of month/year ( Ex: December/2014 ) and if you have in January he will register the photos of January/2015. And when I click on this button is to open a modal with the photos referring only to that month/year ( December/2014 ) of the development( id=1).

I managed to do this with Ajax pass the values and return me the photo, but now I have a problem, when I click the button ( December/2014 ), it opens the modal and pulls all photos of the venture with id=1, let’s say I registered ( 8 photos in December/2014 ) and ( 6 photos January/2015 ) he should pull only the 8 photos in December/2014 and not the 14 photos.

Development screen:

Tela do empreendimento


Como esta no banco

Ajax code:

$('.requerAjax').click(function(e) {

var resultado = $(this).attr('rel').split('/');
var mes = resultado[0];
var ano = resultado[1];
var categorias_id = resultado[2];

    type: "POST",
    url: "/admin/empreendimento/fotos-ajax",
    data: { mes: mes, ano: ano, categorias_id: categorias_id }, 
    datatype: 'json',
    beforeSend: function(){
    success: function(result){       
        var html = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {                
            html += "<img src=" + result[i].imagem + " alt=''>";            
        $( ".modal-body .gallery" ).html(html); 


Controller code receiving from ajax:

public function postFotosAjax() {
    // $mesAno = Input::all();
    $mes = Input::get('mes');
    $ano = Input::get('ano');
    $id = Input::get('categorias_id');

        $FotosMesAno = DB::table('fotos')
        ->select('mes', 'ano', 'imagem')
        ->where('mes', '=', $mes) // Tem que ser um MES.
        ->where('ano', '=', $ano, 'AND') // Tem que ser um ANO.
        ->where('categorias_id', '=', $id, 'AND') // Tem que ser um ID DO EMPREENDIMENTO.
        return Response::json($FotosMesAno);

I explore how it looks on every screen:

  1. Undertaking 1

    • December/2014 ( Photos registered 8 )
    • January/2015 ( Photos posted 6 )
    • February/2015 ( Photos posted 12 )
    • March/2015 ( Photos posted 10 )
    • April/2015 ( Photos posted 8 )
  2. Undertaking 2

    • December/2014 ( Photos registered 20 )
    • January/2015 ( Photos posted 18 )
    • February/2015 ( Photos posted 10 )
    • March/2015 ( Photos posted 19 )

Can anyone help me, to pull the photos of each month/year?

  • 1

    You’re wearing OR categorias_id, but must use AND.

  • Are all AND..

  • 2

    Really just put AND in place the OR. THANK YOU Vinícius and Vagner.

  • You can post the code as text and not as image ?

  • @gmsantos put the code sending via ajax and returning from controller to ajax.

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