Firefox and IE cannot find source


Viewed 377 times


I have a wordpress site where I installed two fonts: Calibri and Castlet. Chrome works correctly, but Firefox only recognizes Calibri. This is the site:

In Css:

@font-face {
font-family: Calibri;
src: url("wp-includes\fonts\calibri.ttf") format('truetype'), src: local("Calibri"), url("wp-includes\fonts\calibri.eot"), url("wp-includes\fonts\calibri.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), url('wp-includes\fonts\calibri.woff') format('woff');

@font-face {
font-family: Castlet;
src: url("wp-includes\fonts\Castlet.ttf") format('truetype'), src: local("Castlet"), url("wp-includes\fonts\Castlet.eot"), url("wp-includes\fonts\Castlet.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), url('wp-includes\fonts\Castlet.woff') format('woff');
  • After all, the source is not found (404) or the browser has a problem with the source (does not render, uses another source, etc)? Which browser versions have you tested? IE, for example, to this day has no full support for TTF and OTF fonts.

  • If the mistake was 404 should not give in Chrome, so can delete this option ..

  • 1

    Behold here if this answer solves the problem. Since it is similar to the question..

  • My Firefox shows the font perfectly (at least I don’t see any differences between Firefox and Chrome). Questions with external links should be avoided, because it is not always possible to reproduce the problem in pages that are being modified.

  • See if this helps

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3 answers


your error is in repeating "src:".. that is the name of the attribute, try to leave it so:

src: url(...)..., url(...)...

if you notice in the 2 examples you repeat src: 2x

  • You are absolutely right, that lack of attention from us (hehehe) +1 I hope they accept your answer


Your rule of CSS at-rule, to @font-face, meets with incorrect statements, reason why it is not interpreted by some browsers.

Correct formatting

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Calibri';
        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.woff') format('woff'),
        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.ttf') format('truetype');


  1. Specify search by "local source" before any other address:

        local('Calibri'),                       /* local */
        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.ttf');   /* remoto */

    Note that this statement should end with ; and not with ,.

  2. Specify sources for other files in the most likely order of use and in a separate declaration:

        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.woff') format('woff'),
        url('wp-includes/fonts/calibri.ttf') format('truetype');
  3. When programming on Windows servers or Linux servers, the tilt of the bar on the web addresses is always /:

  4. Not absolutely necessary for your particular case, but the names of the source families must be involved by ' or " for a correct interpretation by the browsers:

    W3C CSS Fonts Module Level 3 - Family Name Value

    The names of source families other than generics have to look like one string cited, that is, within ' or ". Alternatively, if not within quotation marks or quotes, they should be as a sequence of one or more identifiers.

    In your case it turns out to be irrelevant because it’s a single word Calibri, but it is the note for future readers.


For these cases, we can use the generator of web-font present on the web-site Fontsquirrel which seeks to generate the right files for each browser as well as the ready-to-use style sheet on our web-site.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


The first suggestion is to fix the bars, since Urls use /.

src: url("wp-includes/fonts/Castlet.ttf") format('truetype'), src: local("Castlet"), url("wp-includes/fonts/Castlet.eot"), url("wp-includes/fonts/Castlet.eot?#iefix") format('embedded-opentype'), url('wp-includes/fonts/Castlet.woff') format('woff');

The second thing I would observe is the content of these tags url(). The path is relative to the location of the CSS file (W3:

Something like


or (preferably)


can solve your problem.

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