How to select the last option in a dynamic drop-down list


Viewed 40 times


I have a dynamic drop-down, in which the amount of options varies. I would like to know how to select the last option automatically.


<select name="pagarme_installments" id="pagarme-installments">
    <option value="0">Por favor, selecione o número de parcelas</option>
    <option value="1">1x de 238,80 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="2">2x de 119,40 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="3">3x de 79,60 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="4">4x de 59,70 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="5">5x de 47,76 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="6">6x de 39,80 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="7">7x de 34,11 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="8">8x de 29,85 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="9">9x de 26,53 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="10">10x de 23,88 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="11">11x de 21,71 (sem juros)</option>
    <option value="12">12x de 19,90 (sem juros)</option>

The solution I thought of was to find the maximum amount of options existing at the drop-down, then a condition in which if the option with the value is equal to the maximum of options, enter the attribute selected. The problem is that I don’t know how to get this value from each option to test on each of them. Get the maximum value I got in the following way:

  var theSelect = document.getElementById('pagarme-installments');
  var ultimoValor = theSelect.options[theSelect.options.length - 1].value;

Could someone give me a light? If there is a way to do this in php, it is. I only found a way to do it in js.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

  • 1

    if you prefer to use jQuery library use $("#pagarme-installments option:last"). attr("Selected", "Selected");

1 answer



You can use 'Document.querySelectorAll':

document.querySelectorAll('#pagarme-installments option:last-child').item(0).selected =  true

In querySelectorAll we use the CSS selector syntax.

In this case, we are selecting the last 'option' within '#pagarme-installments'.

As it returns the collection of elements, we need to take the first (which is the only) item: item(0)

And set the attribute 'Selected' to true

  • I was thinking of a much more complicated solution than this one. It worked perfectly! I just didn’t quite understand why to use item(0). If you were not uncomfortable and could explain to me a little better I would be very.

  • Glad it worked. Using item(0)' was to access the html element of the option. This is because querySelectorAll returns a Nodelist, which is a collection of objects. In this case we only have one of these objects, so item 0.

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