Get Json data with file_get_content with pagination


Viewed 65 times


I am capturing Json data from an external url outside of my domain using file_get_content the url structure and this way I use the code below to extract this data

function file_get($url) {

   //Realize comunicação com o servidor
   $contents = file_get_contents( $url, null, null);            
   $data = json_decode($contents,true);
       return $data;

And I call the function this way passing as parameter the URL to be accessed .

$html = file_get("");

When I run the code everything works perfect .

More like the URL accessed has pagination so I have to access pg=2 to search for more data that comes with the problem php accesses pg=2 plus the return and always the data of pg=1 .

Follow an example below

$html = file_get("");

$html = file_get("");

If I access the url directly in the browser and the data are returned differently correctly.

I’m no expert in php but I think something is missing as cache closes some connection if you can help me thank you !

  • I would choose to use Curl but see if this helps.

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