How to pass to column of a Dynamicreports the contents of a compound object. Datasource is a list of this object


Viewed 103 times


I’m making a report using Dynamicreports

For this I am passing a list to be used as Datasource

List<VisaoViagemQuadroMensal> linhas = new ArrayList<VisaoViagemQuadroMensal>();

where :

public class VisaoViagemQuadroMensal {

    public Linha linha;
    public List<VisaoViagemHorario> horarios;
    // get and set

public class Linha {

    private String linha;
    private String descricao;
    private Localidade localidadeDeOrigem;
    private Localidade lovalidadeDeDestino;
    // get and set

public class VisaoViagemHorario {
    protected HorarioDaViagem horario;
    protected Sentido sentido;
    protected List<Seccao> seccao;
    protected float km1;
    protected float km2;
    protected float km3;
    protected float kmReal;
    // get and set

The question is : When I create the Textcolumnbuilder object, how do I inform the Line description? Something like : lines.get(0). getLine(). getDescription();

Below method I create the report

protected JasperReportBuilder gerarRelatorio(Collection dataSource, String path, Map parametros) {
JasperReportBuilder report =;

// Nesta linha é que esta a duvida
TextColumnBuilder<String> colDescricao  = col.column("Descricao da Linha","???????????", type.stringType() ).setFixedWidth(40);

ImageBuilder imagemLogo = cmp.image( getClass().getResource("/imagens/logoFundoAzul.png") ).setFixedDimension(140, 28);
VerticalListBuilder listParametros = montaParametros(parametros); 

  .setPageFormat(PageType.A4, PageOrientation.LANDSCAPE)
  .title(cmp.text("Parametros").setStyle(Estilos.CABECALHO_COLUNA_ESQUERDA.getEstilo()) , listParametros)
  .pageHeader( cmp.horizontalList( imagemLogo, cmp.text("Quadro Demonstrativo por Linhas").setStyle(Estilos.LABEL_TITULO.getEstilo()))).setPageHeaderStyle(Estilos.CABECALHO_PAGINA.getEstilo())


     .columns(colDescricao.setStyle(Estilos.LINHA_TOPO.getEstilo())  )

   .setDataSource(new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(dataSource));

    //report = report.addProperty(JasperProperty.EXPORT_XLS_FREEZE_ROW, "2");
return report;


1 answer


To whom it may interest, after a lot of testing and analyzing the source, I did as the JSF EL, I removed the get when mounting the object column.

Where in java I do so:


In Textcolumnbuilder I do so:


Thus remaining:

TextColumnBuilder<String> colLinhaCodigo    = col.column("Linha"      ,"linha.linha"    , type.stringType() ).setFixedWidth(30);
TextColumnBuilder<String> colLinhaDescricao = col.column("Descrição"  ,"linha.descricao"    , type.stringType() ).setFixedWidth(100);
  • 1

    Marcelo, if this solved your problem can mark the question as accepted so facilitate to others who have the same question and enter the post.

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