How to access the local Rails puma server inside a Docker container?


Viewed 60 times


I’ll try to be as clear as I can.

To put it in context: I have an application that has tests written in Capybara and that connects remotely to a Docker container to run the tests. As I use the WSL, running the local Chrome is something that is not yet possible, so I use this container from Selenium.

The problem: From inside my Selenium container I cannot access the application that is running locally on my machine. I find many solutions when it comes to a Ocker needing to somehow access another, but that’s not the case, nor is it the case to expose Ocker doors, because the connection I need is from the inside out and not the other way around. Ex: I want to be able to type http://192.168. 1.5:3000 (ip of my local machine) from inside the container and have it find my Rails application running on my local machine.

PS. I run inside a WSL, so the ip of my network in windows and WSL are different, but if I access this way by windows in the WSL ip I find the application, because from inside the container this is not a truth?

Can someone help me?

EDIT: I deleted all containers, all images and all Networks from Docker and started again and so far it’s working.

1 answer


To access the host from within a container, there is a specific address of the Docker, and it is not necessary to use the IP, since it may vary.

Use the address host.docker.internal and the port you want (from the host).

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