Why am I getting Undefined on the return of this function?


Viewed 42 times


I’m creating an agent in Dialogflow and using Airtable as BD.

Everything is working well, I’m able to access the comic and bring the results.

But I can’t "throw the result out" of the function and access it at the end to print.

Follows code:

function showSinglePrice(agent) {
    var finalPrice;
    var arraySinglePrice = null;

    const item = agent.context.get("item"),
      place = item.parameters.place,
      size = item.parameters.size,
      type = item.parameters.type;

        maxRecords: 10, //
        view: viewName,
        filterByFormula: `AND({type} = "${type}",{size} = "${size}",{place} = "${place}")` 
      .firstPage(function(error, records) {
        if (error) {
          response.send({ error: error });
        } else {
          arraySinglePrice = records.map(record => {
            return {
              price: record.get("price")

          console.log(arraySinglePrice); //isso funfa

          var finalPrice = arraySinglePrice[0].price; //isso tb

          return finalPrice;
    agent.add(`Valor deveria vir aqui: ${finalPrice}`); //não chega aqui


Always gives Undefined.

I’ve tried a lot of things, but I’m stuck.

Some help?

2 answers


I believe it’s because you defined the variable finalPrice 2 times. Once at the beginning, and a second time before Return. In the case of the second time you should do without the var, only by assigning the value to the variable: finalPrice = arraySinglePrice[0].price;.

I don’t know if that’s it, keep us updated.

  • your remark is correct. thanks for pointing. fixed now. Still the problem persists. The method I am using . select(). firstpage() comes from a library called airtable.js| This method returns a precedent. So I know in theory that the JS is "advancing", trying to print at the end before the method ends. But I don’t know how to do the STOP code, wait for the end of the call before.


When you give the return finalPrice; it exits the function by not executing the agent.add(Valor deveria vir aqui: ${finalPrice});, tries to add the agent.add() before the return

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