How to Read and Print String with c++ space?


Viewed 261 times


I even managed to make my program read the String (name of a person) with space in C++. However, when printing only returns the first name of the person as in my program below.

//Write a program that registers the name, enrollment and two grades of several students. Then print the enrollment, the name and average of each of them.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <new>
using namespace std;

struct cadastro{
  char nome[100];
  int matricula;
  float nota1,nota2;
  float media;

int main() {

  int i, qtdeAlunos=3;
  cadastro a1[3];

    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
      cout<<"\nInsira seu nome: ";
      //scanf ("%[^\n]%*c", a1[i].nome);
      //getline( cin, a1[i].nome );
      cout<<"\nInsira sua matricula: ";
      cout<<"\nInsira sua primeira nota: ";
      cout<<"\nInsira sua segunda nota: ";
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
      cout<<"\nNome: " << a1[i].nome;
      cout<<"\nMatricula: " << a1[i].matricula;
      cout<< "\nSua media é: " <<(a1[i].nota1+a1[i].nota2)/2;

1 answer


To read and print Strings in C++, you can use the function getline, an example of use (based on your case) would be:

// Lendo Strings
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct cadastro{ char nome[100]; int matricula; float nota1,nota2; float media; };

int main() {

  cadastro a1[3];

  cout<<"\nInsira seu nome: ";
  cin.getline( a1[0].nome,sizeof(a1[0].nome) );
  cout<< a1[0].nome;


This code is available for testing here.

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