Iteration of DF’s in pandas


Viewed 27 times


This is guys speaking. Assuming I have a df1 with only one ID column, and another df2 with information I want to register in that df1. But I need q each id of df1 repeat for all df2 information

For example.

df1= [1, 2, 3, 4]

df2= [info1, info2, info3]

df_final = [ 1 -> info1, 1-> info2, 1->info3 ... 4->info3]

I’m trying to make one go, into another go. I created a helper id for df2 for this to be done, but I can’t get the expected result, although the log I believe q is correct.

for id1, row in df1.iterrows():
   for id2, row in df2.iterrows():
      df1[colunadeinformações] = df2[colunadeinformações]

Is there any function that you can recommend me to study so that I get something similar to the exposed ? thank you in advance.

  • See this:

  • Wow, perfect! Thank you. How many are in vain I tried. rs.

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