Make all prototype functions inherit another prototype


Viewed 38 times


I’m starting my studies with javascript prototypes, as soon as I started, I came across a problem that I couldn’t solve. Follow the code

var ComponentAction = function(component){
 this.comp = component;

ComponentAction.prototype.remove = function(){}
ComponentAction.prototype.addContent = function(){}

var Component = function(){}

Component.prototype.submitButton = function(){
    return new ComponentAction(this);
Component.prototype.alertButton = function(){
    return new ComponentAction(this);

let sb = new Component();

It is possible to make the function submitButton or any other function that is part of Component inherits all methods contained in Componentaction without needing to return a new Componentaction(this) in each of the functions of Component?

  • 2

    There is more than one way to do this, but is it the best option? Why not declare the methods directly in the prototype of Component?

  • But in this way I could access the addContent() method as in Sb.submitButton(). addContent('...'); ?

  • 1

    @Edgar to chain methods that way you just have to return the this (the instance of the object) at the end of each method. Take a look at this bfavaretto response:

  • @Sergio, now that I saw the answer was very clear. Thank you both for your contributions!

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