Doubt with wp types


Viewed 54 times


I’m using WP Types for a product catalog site. I created categories, sub-categories and lines, all as custom post types and a daughter of the other, so that in the product registration, I select each item of these for him. However on the product page I cannot display the category name.

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    Hi, check this link:

1 answer


I use Types in a project. The categorization depends on how you set up the type structure, and how you named the taxonomy tag you will use. In my case, I used two category types.

Every time I want to display a type of them, I call it the Theme view:

            global $wp_query;
            $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
            $title = $term->name;
            echo $title;

Anything, just check the Types documentation at this link. They have a very good FAQ.

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