Error while trying to run a program via "Makefile" or via IDE


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Currently, whenever I try to run a code (c++) I get this error message:Não foi possível localizar o ponto de entrada do procedimento _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESalcEE7compareEPKc na biblioteca de vínculo dinâmico (aqui aparece o diretório do arquivo que estou tentando executar) I searched several sites and thought that the error might be in "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable", but I tried to reinstall it and it did not help. Since I use the Mingw compiler, I also tried to reinstall it, but it didn’t do any good either. A while ago I could execute codes normally, I do not know from what point this problem appeared. I use Windows 10 and am using the Geany IDE. I don’t think the IDE has anything to do with the problem, since programs generated via "Makefile" are also giving this same error.

  • This is the error message: Could not find the procedure entry point _Znkst7__cxx1112basic_stringicst11char_traitsicesalcee7compareepkc in the dynamic link library (here appears the directory of the file I am trying to run).

  • Another thing, I’ve already added the Mingw directory to the Path.

  • you can edit the question by adding the necessary information.

  • Try compiling the program with the flag -static-libstdc++ or put the Mingw/bin in the PATH, then the STL’s Runtime dll will link to the program while running.

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