Oracle Session date format for running Stored Data


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Talk guys, all good? I have a little problem that may be simple to solve, but I could not find solution so far.

I have procedures stored in the oracle database that need to be executed, however I am assembling these executions dynamically using Entitymanager. The problem itself is as follows, I have a precedent that needs a date parameter, but Procedure is using the DD-MM-YYYY format (this cannot be changed, as it is a legacy code that is still being used). I can format the date in the java layer and leave it in this format DD-MM-YYYY, but when I have the oracle Session run it is apparently converting to the format that is default in the DD-MON-RR database and when passing this date to the Procedure, there is an error that returns a message that displays the received date in the format '01/01/0020'.

Is there any way I could configure this form for the session while connecting to the Java layer? Or any way I can stop the oracle from converting the date? Below is an example of one of the execution attempts.

Edit: Using Alter Session solves, however you would need a way to do this in the java layer.

Print of part of the code

  • Have you tried an alter Session ?

  • Alter Session solves, but it is not feasible I change the session of all bases that are necessary, I wonder if there is a way to configure it in code

  • A login rigger maybe , I don’t know how to know if connect came from Java

  • It may be an option, but it would be ideal something straight through java

  • I have a habit of always informing the data format in sql and plsql and never taking over from Session , but legacy mecher can be complicated , the idea of Rigger would be a stopgap , where we do not use Java so I did not have this experience. Did you see this ?

  • I had not tested this alter Session execution with JDBC, I will try

  • I usually say, if you’re not programming Interprise’s warp factor, someone’s been through your same problem ... :)

  • kkkk makes sense

  • @Motta solved, with own jpa. Session Session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); Session.doWork(Connection -> { Preparedstatement preparedStatement; preparedStatement = Connection.prepareStatement("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd/MM/yyyy'"); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); preparedStatement.close(); });

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1 answer


Solution found, using entitymanger to change the session.

      Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
                session.doWork(connection -> {
                    PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
                    preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd/MM/yyyy'");
  • What I said here today on this site and I repeat, apart from you being programming the Interprise warp fusion, someone has already gone through your problem ...

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