Doubt about logica php


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Do you guys talk? I’m here to ask for help because I’m a little tied up, I’m making an example for the faculty of questions for covid, I’m looking for a way to take the questions that were marked in the checkbox and do the logica with php, only I’m not sure how to proceed. I want to take the answers and put a percentage on them to pass the user’s real chance to have covid.

the index and the part of the calculation I will send now.

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      <p class="lead text-muted">Coronavírus é uma família de vírus que causa infecções respiratórias, cujos primeiros casos foram isolados pela primeira vez em 1937, porém, apenas em 1965 foi descrito como coronavírus, em decorrência do aspecto apresentado a microscopia, similar a uma coroa.
        O novo agente do coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) foi descoberto em 31 de dezembro de 2019 após casos registrados na China, e a doença, por determinação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), foi denominada de COVID19. Em 11 de março de 2020 foi decretada como pandemia pela OMS.</p>
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        <h2 class="featurette-heading">Realize o teste do novo <span class="text-muted"> NOVO CORONAVIRUS.</span></h2>
        <p class="lead">A sua jornada começa com um questionário de sintomas do novo coronavírus. As respostas são associadas às suas condições prévias de saúde, como doenças cardíacas e respiratórias e geram o resultado da triagem, é só clicar nos sintomas que está sentindo logo abaixo e enviar, logo será dado o resultado.</p>
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        <label for="toggle2">Você teve problemas para respirar recentemente (respiração curta) ?</label>

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        <label for="toggle3">Seus olhos tem coçado nos últimos dias ?</label>

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        <label for="toggle4">Você está com coriza (nariz escorrendo) ?</label>

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        <label for="toggle5">Teve frebre nos ultimos dias?</label>

        <input id="toggle6" name="pergunta6" value="6" type="checkbox">
        <label for="toggle6">Tem tossido muito ultimamente ?</label>

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        <label for="toggle7">Você está com dor de garganta?</label>

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        <label for="toggle8">Você teve diarréia nos últimos 10 dias?</label>

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--------------------------------------------------- calculo.php

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$pergunta1 = $_POST["pergunta1"];
$pergunta2 = $_POST["pergunta2"];
$pergunta3 = $_POST["pergunta3"];


$resposta1 = "1";
$resposta2 = "2";
$resposta3 = "3";
$resposta4 = "4";
$resposta5 = "5";
$resposta6 = "6";
$resposta7 = "7";
$resposta8 = "8";

$acertou = 0;
$errou = 0;
if ($pergunta1 === $resposta1)
    echo "<font color = blue> Questao 1 correta<br></font>";
    echo "<font color = red> Questao 1 errada<br></font>";
if ($pergunta2 == $resposta2)
    echo "<font color = blue> Questao 2 correta<br></font>";
    echo "<font color = red> Questao 2 errada<br></font>";
if ($pergunta3 == $resposta3)
    echo "<font color = blue> Questao 3 correta<br></font>";
    echo "<font color = red> Questao 3 errada<br></font>";

$calc = 10;
$porcent = $calc * $acertou;
echo "<br><br> Voce <font color = blue>acertou</font> $acertou e <font color = red>errou</font> $errou.";
if ($acertou >=7)
echo "<br><br><b><blink>Muito bem, um total de $porcent % de acerto</blink></b>";
echo "<br><br><b><blink> Voce nao foi muito bem, um total de $porcent% de acerto, tente novamente!</blink></b>";

<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">
    echo "Muito bem um total de $porcent%";

<br /><input  type="button" value="voltar" id="botao_voltar" onclick="history.go(-1)">

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    <a href="index.php">PROJETO BSI UFERSA - ANGICOS | <?= date('M, Y') ?></a>

I am giving a studied in the part of the calculation, I am using bootstrap for design, if you can give me a light how to proceed thank you

  • Only one detail. When a checkbox is checked, it returns "on" as value, if not, it does not exist

  • thank you very much.

  • Not necessarily it will return 'on', it depends on the method applied by the developer.

  • @Mike565 Complementing my answer, an alternative to the checkbox question does not return anything when it is unchecked is you work with database, this is how most do, creates a table, puts in the column the default value "no" and then if the user marks, you replace the value Only on the result page. Create an if, if you have no return, you consider the value of the table, if you have return, you consider as yes, in case you would use two php files, 1 sends the data via Post and the other validates and shows the result, it is cleaner so, use Windows! it’ll be easier for you.

2 answers


In the words of the mozila

Note : If a checkbox is unchecked when your form is sent, there will be no value sent to the server to represent its unchecked state (for example value=unchecked); the value is not submitted to the server.

Do not use value for this, use the input id to identify them, remembering that the input name should be different from the others. First recover the value:

<input id="toggle1" name="pergunta1" value="<?php echo $resp1 = 1; ?>" type="checkbox" required>

If it is marked returns 1, if it is not marked returns nothing, as documented by mozila: | in this case we require the user to select the checkbox.

that is, in your case you will have to create another chackbox or, you can use javascript to know whether or not it is marked and convert this into a value, but let’s consider that it is marked, since the attribute required obliges the user to mark it.

Knowing this and considering that the value you want is in $resp1 (value="<?php echo $resp1 = 1; ?>"). Make an if:

$resp1 = '1';
$result = ($resp1) ?: '0'; // $result retornará 1 **se**, o valor de $resp1 for igual a 1

$resp1 = '';
echo ($resp1) ?: '0'; // se $resp1 tem valor diferente de '1', ele retorna 0.

Based on this you can start building the rest of the calculation function once you know that 0 is lie and 1 is true.

This is an old way of writing if, but it is compatible with versions prior to php 7.0, if an error occurs, just remove the quotes.

For php 7 and higher:

if(1 == $resp1){
  echo "1"; //se resp1 é igual a 1, retorna 1.
} elseif (on == $resp) {
    echo "1"; //se $resp1 é igual a on, retorna 1.
} else {
    echo "0"; //se $resp1 tem valor diferente de 1 e de on, retorna 0.

Always use the value you want to check in front and put two signs equally this way ==, if you put only one, it will not check anything and will still change the value for which you are trying to check. (see:


You can do a function that picks up all inputs, then traverse it with an iterator checking which one is checked, when checked you increase one in your counter. Then you divide the counter value by the amount of symptoms and multiply by 100 to have a percentage of symptoms. Counter/totalDeInputs*100. So you can tell what percentage of symptoms to worry about.

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