Relationship of Tables with Cakephp


Viewed 92 times


I have two tables: artigos (id, categoria_id, titulo, texto, criacao) and categorias (id, nome). And they have a relationship (artigos.categoria_id => And I am doing CRUD, but I would like to know how to create a select that contains the name of the categories, in the part of adding articles.

1 answer


If your relationships are all working properly, just use the FormHelper, as is common, informing the related field that it already mounts for you the <select> correspondent.

For example, in your form for Article:

echo $this->Form->create('Artigo');
echo $this->Form->input('categoria_id');
echo $this->Form->end();

Recalling that the value of each item is the id category and the text will be the field defined as displayField in his Model.

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