How to implement java exception handling within a swtich-case?


Viewed 65 times


I have to do a treatment for possible exceptions within a calculator, one of them would be the division by 0, in the case "Arithmeticexception", but I’m not able to make it work, even after implementing the try-catch the code continues to return the default message and not the message I wrote on catch for that mistake:

case 4:
      if (num1 < num2){
       System.out.println("Impossivel realizar calculo!! \n");    
      int divide = num1 / num2;
      System.out.println("A divisao e: "+divide);

      int divide = num1 / num2;
      System.out.println("A divisao e: "+divide);
      } catch(ArithmeticException e){
    System.out.println("Erro: divisão por zero!");

1 answer


No need to treat the exception, do not let it occur, exception should only occur if it is something exceptional, you can prevent it from occurring then do it:

if (num1 < num2 || num2 == 0) System.out.println("Impossivel realizar calculo!!");    
else System.out.println("A divisao e: " + num1 / num2);

I put in the Github for future reference.

Even the code becomes much simpler.

This has nothing to do with switch other than by circumstance.

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