Manipulating lists in Elixir


Viewed 61 times


I’m starting in the Elixir language and would like to know if there is a repository of 'modules' created and fed by the community and that are widely used in projects, generating productivity and reliability by its maturity in implementation.

In my research, I ended up finding examples of isolated modules and with a specific purpose, made available by the community.


  • List Manipulation
  • Handling of Json
  • String handling, with Split operations, Trim, etc..
  • Other types of manipulation

If it does not exist, in day-to-day life you yourself end up implementing the operations that are necessary?

  • Jason or Poison to manipulate JSON. The native String module itself for strings. And the native Enum or List for lists.

2 answers



I believe you are talking about an Elixir package manager as Javascript NPM. The manager used is Hex (

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