Collection Namedquery as Parameter


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I am using the Namedquery of JPA, to create a DTO. And in my Query I have as condition one IN and as a parameter of IN has values with white spaces in the middle. (Ex: 9292 929). and these values with white space, returns nothing. Only values without whitespace.

@Query("SELECT NEW, \n" +
        "FROM Lancamento l \n" +
        "WHERE l.seuNumero IN  (:seuNumero) \n" +
        "AND       =   :data")
List<LancamentoDto> findAllBySeuNumeroAndData(@Param("seuNumero")List<String> seuNumero, @Param("data")LocalDate data);
  • Olá Danilo. Lancamento.seuNumero is a String? If it is a Number (Integer, BitInteger, etc) you will need to pass a list of the respective type. E.g., List<Integer> seuNumero.

  • Hello Anthony, at the moment I call the method, I pass a List<String> but within this List, it has values that have white spaces in the middle, and it is necessary that white spaces in the number.(Ex: 8283E 3434) when I need to search only one Lancamento.seuNumer I have to use LIKE in Query, with wildcards % in the whitespace, but for collection I don’t know what I need to do.

  • Hello Danilo, my question is about the type of Lancamento.seuNumero, what will determine how this list is interpreted is the type of l.seuNumero. That’s a String in your pojo mapped?

  • So @Anthony the Lancamento.seuNumero is String yes.

  • And in the database that value is a VARCHAR? If yes and both strings are equal, it should be possible to make a query with = or IN hassle-free.

  • A simple check. The name in SELECT is Lancamanto, with Same? It may just be a typo, but it doesn’t cost to validate.

  • @Anthonyaccioly yes, in the database is varchar, and if I perform this query directly in the database (SQL Server) works normal with whitespaces.

  • Danilo. Very, very strange even, mainly the fact of simple consultations with = does not work. It seems that your values are being converted or that your encoding is getting lost... already tried to create some entries in which seuNumero is equal to a handful of characters (e. g. ç$%€) and check if the consultation works on the Iberian side?

  • Maybe Spring Data is doing something weird too. Try turning your query into a @NamedQuery and use the standard Hibernate API (e. g., session.getNamedQuery).

  • I did the tests, putting one with special characters, and he found normal, via Namedquery, and the default Hibernate API. But I realized something when the value of seuNumero, has only 1 blank space( e.g. 127999 00 00 00001) it returns me the record, but when I try to pass a seuNumero with more than 1 blank space (e. g. 128384 00 00 00001) he ignores this seuNumero. Very strange this.

  • Interesting. Even by default API? Who knows if you copy the database combination to the code 128384 00 00 00001, I’ve seen cases of characters that look like spaces but aren’t.

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1 answer


The correct syntax (JPQL Snippet) for IN with Collections should be written without parentheses:

Query("SELECT NEW, \n" +
        "FROM Lancamento l \n" +
        "WHERE l.seuNumero IN  :seuNumero \n" +
        "AND       =   :data")

Existed a bug in Hibernate a while ago, it seems that it appeared again in a new version (4.3).

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