In D3.geo, how to obtain the data of a projection?


Viewed 16 times


I am using only D3.geo, not the full D3 library, but only D3.geo.

Configure projection and upload Geojson Multipolygon data.

I get back the data as follows

projectionVale = d3.geo.stereographic()
.translate([width/2, height/2])

mapVale = d3.geo.path().projection(projectionVale);
path = mapVale(datajson);

This way it returns the paths already optimized and ready (which is the intention of D3 obviously) to plot in SVG.

How I return only the x,y data of this polygon of this projection preferably in an array?

Because I have no intention of using the D3 library to plot the data in canvas or SVG, only the D3.geo, because I only need the data so I can have the freedom to do other processing in this data and generate the graph on the screen the way I need it.

1 answer


As I was in great need, I decided to use a solution not ideal but functional.

In D3.geo there is a method called d3_geo_pathBuffer(), which contains the contents of the return projection. I simply changed the form of return to the form I needed.

At the moment it is not the ideal and clean solution, but it is functional for the necessary use.

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