I don’t know much about VBA and wanted to know if someone could help me.
I would like to know how I can take a string from a column(e.g., A), read its data and return it in a new column. In this new column it would be returned "true" if it were "A", "false" if it were different from "A".
And that code would read all the lines in that column with the string.
Does anyone have any idea how I do it ?
I’ve searched and I can’t find anything like that.
The code I made to test this idea was this (it brings as if all the lines were different from A):
Private Sub cmdaon_Click()
Dim counter As Integer
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = destSheet1.Range("A:L")
Ln = 2
Do While rng1.Cells(Ln, 1).Value <> ""
If Cells(Ln, 9).Value = "A" Then
Cells(Ln, 13).Select
Cells(Ln, 13).Value = "Verdadeiro"
Cells(Ln, 13).Value = "Falso"
End If
Ln = Ln + 1
End Sub