Way to save only two information


Viewed 54 times


I have in my project a new business rule.

I need that in a view details, I have a small form to save only two information: Delays and No Uniform.

I already got the chart done. But I needed that form to save only those two information, and not the whole object, because it is already loaded into the detail page.

How can I make a action that saves only this information ?

What I got is this:

 public ActionResult Controle([Bind(Include = "AlunoID,Atrasos,SemUniforme")] Aluno aluno)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
        return View(aluno);

But I don’t know if it’s right... so I haven’t even done the form.

Could someone help me ?

  • The object to be saved already exists or you are creating it by form?

  • There is already Gypsy. Also because I seek information on view details to show the information to the user. I just wanted to add this information to the object.

1 answer


Since it is an update, it is wrong to add the object in context. You need to retrieve the old object and update field by field:

public ActionResult Controle([Bind(Include = "AlunoID,Atrasos,SemUniforme")] Aluno aluno)
    var alunoOriginal = db.Alunos.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AlunoID == aluno.AlunoId);

    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        alunoOriginal.Atrasos = aluno.Atrasos;
        alunoOriginal.SemUniforme = aluno.SemUniforme;
        db.Entry(alunoOriginal).State = EntityState.Modified;

    return View(alunoOriginal);

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