Doctrine Inflector error while saving files in the database with Tinker


Viewed 146 times


The error happens when trying to save the updates in the database, when I give the command


it returns me the error:

PHP Deprecated: The "Doctrine Common Inflector Inflector::pluralize" method is deprecated and will be Dropped in Doctrine/Inflector 2.0. Please update to the new Inflector API. in C: Users gusta Documents Laravel cursoLaravel vendor Doctrine Inflector lib Doctrine Common Inflector Inflector.php on line 261

Searching I found that it would be as if Doctrine were corrupted, and I tried the following command to solve with Composer:

Composer require Doctrine/Inflector

that would update the files and I would have no problem, but it was not well that, it returns me another error.

Your Quirements could not be resolved to an installable set of Packages.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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