How to add a (full) div to Asp:Panel using jquery?


Viewed 619 times



I have the following scenario.

I want to use Ajaxcontroltoolkit’s Collapsiblepanelextender to make a collapsed panel.

However, the content that this panel will display will be dynamic and within a div.

My div already exists and within it there are several controls and I want to add this entire div inside the Asp:Panel that will be displayed by Collapsiblepanelextender.

If I could do this via codebehind I would just use the:


But I want to add this div to my panel via jquery or javascript.

How can I do that?

HTML (Collapse Mount Panels)

<asp:Panel ID="painelCollapsedCabecalho" runat="server" CssClass="cpHeader">
    <asp:Label ID="lblCabacalho" runat="server" Text="Click here" />
<asp:Panel ID="painelCollapsedCorpo" runat="server" CssClass="cpBody"/>
<cc1:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="cpeCollapsed" runat="server" TargetControlID="painelCollapsedCorpo"
                              CollapseControlID="painelCollapsedCabecalho" ExpandControlID="painelCollapsedCabecalho"
                              Collapsed="true" TextLabelID="lblCabacalho" CollapsedText="Click to Show Search..."
                              ExpandedText="Click to Hide Search..." CollapsedSize="0" BehaviorID="collapsibleBehavior" />

Script (This is how I intended to add the div to my Asp:Panel, but it doesn’t work.)

<script type="text/javascript">
    function pageLoad(sender, args) {
  • Can you set your HTML and explain better what jQuery? click from the user or via JS?

  • Sergio, I entered the requested code.

  • This function occurs in the page Load.

  • 1

    @Sergio a Function 'pageLoad(Sender, args)' is called by the . NET framework when loading the page. If I’m not talking nonsense it’s like the '$(Document). ready()' of jQuery or the 'onload' of javascript.

2 answers


There are 3 initial questions:

  1. Note that to add inside the panel you should use appendTo, for append add after element and not inside

  2. You apparently want to add #divPesquisar inside #painelCollapsedCorpo

  3. The <asp:Panel ID="painelCollapsedCorpo" ...> may be generating a name="" instead of an "ID"

So your code must be something like:

function pageLoad(sender, args) {

If generating the "name", use this way:

function pageLoad(sender, args) {

But if this is not the problem, there are three possibilities of problem:

  1. The first is the ID name you may be having trouble with in the "sensitive case" or the name is different You search for divPesquisar but it is possible that the generated div has id like this divpesquisar (p minuscule).

  2. The ID of painelCollapsedCorpo is "case sensitive" or the name is wrong (same case of divPesquisar)

  3. Another possible problem is that pageLoad nay is being fired. There is a method in Jquery itself that you can use $.ready:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        //ou assim $("#divPesquisar").appendTo($("[name=painelCollapsedCorpo]"));

Simplified form of ready:

$(function() {
    //ou assim $("#divPesquisar").appendTo($("[name=painelCollapsedCorpo]"));

But if this divPesquisar is automatically generated by another event, maybe it is not yet available, in this case you can check modifications in the DOM using MutationObserver, something like:

var isReady = 0;

var observer = new MutationObserver(function( mutations ) {
  mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) {
    var nn = mutation.addedNodes;
    if(nn !== null) {
        var nodes = $(nn);
        nodes.each(function() {
            if( === "divPesquisar" || === "painelCollapsedCorpo") {

            if(isReady > 1) {
                //ou assim $("#divPesquisar").appendTo($("[name=painelCollapsedCorpo]"));

var config = { 
    attributes: true, 
    childList: true, 
    characterData: true 

observer.observe(document, config);
  • Guilherme Nascimento, first of all thank you very much for the reply.

  • @Leonardoribeirodeaguiar if the answer helped you, please mark it as "correct".

  • First of all, thank you very much for your reply. I tested the three alternatives you proposed, $.ready, ready simplified and the Mutationobserver, but unfortunately it didn’t work, my div still not appearing inside the collapsed panel, it keeps appearing below my collapsed panel. My div is written in my HTLM, it is not generated by any other control.

  • @Leonardoribeirodeaguiar see I edited the answer, please test

  • Guilherme, unhappy did not work as appendTo. I noticed that in the case of Mutationobserver it is not "entering" mutations.foreach(Function(Mutation). At what point (event) should I call this Mutationobserver? No load from the same page?

  • MutationObserver will never perform, as that is how it is in the answer "But if this split is automatically generated by another event", in other words, you should only use it if it were dynamic, but as it is not the case the correct is to use the ready, do a simple test @Leonardoribeirodeaguiar do this and tell me what value it shows: $(function () { alert([$("#painelCollapsedCorpo").length, $("#divPesquisar").length]); }); and put the result here.

  • I got the part of MutationObserver. The test result was 0,1.

  • I want to add the divPesquisar within the painelCollapsedCorpo. The names are OK, I just checked again in the code. O painelCollapsedCorpo exists, see the code HTML creating it in my question post. <asp:Panel ID="painelCollapsedCorpo" runat="server" CssClass="cpBody"/>

  • @Leonardoribeirodeaguiar Yes I saw that exists, but it must be time to generate HTML maybe the "ID" is a "name", use the Ctrl+U and check the source code please.

  • In the source the ID that appears is the painelCollapsedCorpo same. If I remove the tag runat="server" of my painelCollapsedCorpo and take the test $(function () { alert([$("#painelCollapsedCorpo").length, $("#divPesquisar").length]); }); the result is 1.1. However in this case I cannot use the painelCollapsedCorpo along with the CollapsiblePanelExtender of AjaxControlToolkit because the CollapsiblePanelExtender demands that he be runat="server".

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It’s not exactly a solution to the problem, I couldn’t find it, even with the help of colleagues here at Stackoverflow.

What I did was change the strategy. Instead of using the Collapsiblepanelextender of Ajaxcontroltoolkit I used the [Accordion of jQuery UI]1.

See how simple the solution has become:


$(function () {
        heightStyle: "content",
        collapsible: true,
        active: false,
        beforeActivate: function (event, ui) {
            // faço algumas coisas aqui.


    <div id="accordion">
            <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAbrirBusca" Text="Click here to search" />   </h3>
             // minha div com os meus controles

I know it’s not the answer, but I hope it helps anyone with the same problem.

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