What is the advantage of using Function(window, Document, Undefined)


Viewed 672 times


I noticed a long time ago that many libraries are using something like:

(function(window, document, undefined){
    //exemplo de script
    console.log(window, document);
})(window, document);


(function(window, document, undefined){
    console.log(window, document);
}(window, document));

This really brings advantage when developing something like:

    console.log(window, document);

Note: If undefined is a normal variable and can be changed undefined = "new value"; which would make it impossible to compare var a; if (a === undefined) { ... }

3 answers


Generally speaking, IIFE functions are used in this way to safeguard that variables fall within the global scope.

An EEI is a self-executing function, and generates a new scope within itself.

Pass as function parameter window and document does not have much use, but has a function that is to facilitate/optimize the compression of the code.

If there are many times in the code within that function the variables window or document then a Javascript compressor like Uglify will shorten and give a letter to these variables, thus minimizing the file size.

The case of Undefined is more interesting.

Sometimes the error of over-writing this variable is made. That is it is possible (in some browsers) to do undefined = 20. In this case all lines of code that use undefined to check if a variable is set will give unexpected values. Creating a function with 3 parameters but only call/use 2 causes the third party to receive the real value of undefined. So, for browsers that allow you to rewrite undefined this trick re-establishes its original value.

The other advantage and reason why Undefined is there is the same as above: so code compressors can transform n times the 9-character word "Undefined" in a single letter.

  • Actually the information about the IIFE is outside the scope of my question, but your information about the "compressing code" part was the answer I needed to know. + 1


I know the question is old, but since you linked the same one in an answer, it is worth adding some details.

  • it is useful to pass objects this way to perform tests.

  • when developing into Node, the variable window does not exist. In this case it is possible to do something like this:

    (function(window) {
        window.sayHello = function() {};
    })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);

Note: this is the process that jquery uses.

The question about the undefined serves to ensure that the variable actually represents the value undefined since it can be superscripted.


They use more hair undefined even, sometimes it can be defined in some way and can disturb the code.


undefined = 'foo';
var bar;
bar === undefined; // FALSE

(function (undefined) {
    var bar;
    bar === undefined; // TRUE

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