Rollback does not work


Viewed 66 times


So guys I have a transaction to persist various data on different tables in my database, if by some chance a record goes wrong I need it from a rollback, after all I depend on the return id of one to make persistence of another, Moreover I cannot allow some tables to be persisted and others not. The problem is that my rollback is not working, I have some methods, they are with a Promise so if it gives error it gives a Retject and in my vision it would fall for the catch of the runQuery method, there is a rollback and this rollback would make me undo the operations, the problem is that the errors are not falling there, and in case the mistakes I am generating are several only for testing.

async run(data: any) {
try {
  const response = await this.runQuery(data);

  return 'response';
} catch (err) {
  throw err;

async runQuery(data: any) {

  data[2].post.Ordem_servico = await this.insertGenericReturn(data[0]);

  await this.insertEpisOrder(data[6], data[2].post.Ordem_servico);

  data[5].post.Equipamento_FK = await this.insertGenericReturn(data[2]);

  data[3].post.Ordem_Servico = data[2].post.Ordem_servico;

  data[5].post.Locais_FK = await this.insertGenericReturn(data[3]);

  let listOperations : any = await this.insertOperationsOrder(data[4]);

  for (const element of listOperations) {
    data[5].post.Operacao_FK = element;
    await this.insertGenericReturn(data[5]);


  return { result: 'Ordem de serviço criada!' }
} catch (err) {
  console.log('err runTransaction :>> ', err);

  await connection.rollback();
  throw err;

private async insertGenericReturn(data: any) {
try {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    connection.query(data.query,,  async (err: any, result: any) =>{
      if (err) reject({ status: 401, msg: 'Não foi possível realizar a operação!', ...err })
} catch (err) {
  throw err;

private async insertEpisOrder(data: any, order: any) {
try {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    for (let index = 0; index <; index++) {[index].ordemServico_idOrdemServico = order;
    for (const epi of {
      connection.query(data.query, epi, async (err: any, result: any) =>{
        if (err) reject({ status: 401, msg: 'Não foi possível realizar a operação!', ...err })
        resolve('EPIs cadastrados');
} catch (err) {
  throw err;

private async insertOperationsOrder(data: any) {
try {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let listOperations: any = [];
    let response: any;
    for (const item of {
      connection.query(data.query, item, async (err: any, result: any) =>{
        if (err) reject({ status: 401, msg: 'Não foi possível realizar a operação!', ...err })


} catch (err) {
  throw err;

Does anyone have any idea why I wouldn’t be going to my rollback? type it goes to those insertion methods but no return to the runQuery catch that has the rollback, if you can help thank you!

1 answer


Guys I solved here and I’ll share the resolution, maybe it will be useful to someone:

I added a treatment in the catch method is this

private getQueryError(err: any): { status: number, err: string } {
const error = Object.assign({}, err);

if (_.has(error, 'code')) return { status: 400, err: 'Não foi possível concluir a operação!' };
if (error.code === 'ER_DUP_ENTRY') return { status: 400, err: 'item já cadastrado!' };
return { status: 400, err: _.get(error, 'message', 'Não foi possível concluir a operação!') }}

And obviously added calls to this method in my catch in case:

const error = this.getQueryError(err);

Finally I hope I can help someone who is having this difficulty or who is working with transactions.

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