So guys I have a transaction to persist various data on different tables in my database, if by some chance a record goes wrong I need it from a rollback, after all I depend on the return id of one to make persistence of another, Moreover I cannot allow some tables to be persisted and others not. The problem is that my rollback is not working, I have some methods, they are with a Promise so if it gives error it gives a Retject and in my vision it would fall for the catch of the runQuery method, there is a rollback and this rollback would make me undo the operations, the problem is that the errors are not falling there, and in case the mistakes I am generating are several only for testing.
async run(data: any) {
try {
const response = await this.runQuery(data);
return 'response';
} catch (err) {
throw err;
async runQuery(data: any) {
data[2].post.Ordem_servico = await this.insertGenericReturn(data[0]);
await this.insertEpisOrder(data[6], data[2].post.Ordem_servico);
data[5].post.Equipamento_FK = await this.insertGenericReturn(data[2]);
data[3].post.Ordem_Servico = data[2].post.Ordem_servico;
data[5].post.Locais_FK = await this.insertGenericReturn(data[3]);
let listOperations : any = await this.insertOperationsOrder(data[4]);
for (const element of listOperations) {
data[5].post.Operacao_FK = element;
await this.insertGenericReturn(data[5]);
return { result: 'Ordem de serviço criada!' }
} catch (err) {
console.log('err runTransaction :>> ', err);
await connection.rollback();
throw err;
private async insertGenericReturn(data: any) {
try {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query(data.query, data.post, async (err: any, result: any) =>{
if (err) reject({ status: 401, msg: 'Não foi possível realizar a operação!', ...err })
} catch (err) {
throw err;
private async insertEpisOrder(data: any, order: any) {
try {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for (let index = 0; index < data.post.length; index++) {
data.post[index].ordemServico_idOrdemServico = order;
for (const epi of data.post) {
connection.query(data.query, epi, async (err: any, result: any) =>{
if (err) reject({ status: 401, msg: 'Não foi possível realizar a operação!', ...err })
resolve('EPIs cadastrados');
} catch (err) {
throw err;
private async insertOperationsOrder(data: any) {
try {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let listOperations: any = [];
let response: any;
for (const item of data.post) {
connection.query(data.query, item, async (err: any, result: any) =>{
if (err) reject({ status: 401, msg: 'Não foi possível realizar a operação!', ...err })
} catch (err) {
throw err;
Does anyone have any idea why I wouldn’t be going to my rollback? type it goes to those insertion methods but no return to the runQuery catch that has the rollback, if you can help thank you!