Menu of Country Selection


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Is there a component present in Bootstrap 3.3.1 (I don’t think so) that generates a select from all countries? or a plugin? because I am currently using a list with pure HTML that this gigantic, below a small part of the code that I want to replace:

<select name="paises" id="paises">
   <option value="Brasil" selected="selected">Brasil</option>
   <option value="Afeganistão">Afeganistão</option>
   <option value="África do Sul">África do Sul</option>
   <option value="Albânia">Albânia</option>

Another problem would be to internationalize the whole list

  • You can also create a JSON with the list of countries and popular the <select> via AJAX, prevents rework and a giant HTML, in addition to being more performatic.

1 answer


I found a repository on Github with what you’re looking for: There are others apparently.

The languages available are:


Not all languages have all countries, but you can select only the ones you’ll use the most. Otherwise you’ll have to complete or search for more, or pay for some service to give you a complete list.

To use this you need to fetch from Github depending on the language, or make a copy on your server that is more secure.

Here’s an example of how to do jQuery using this Github repository.


The relevant code is:


<select name="lingua" id="linguas"></select>
<select name="paises" id="paises"></select>


var linguas = ["aa", "aa_DJ", "aa_ER", "aa_ET", etc.... // a array que coloquei em cima
var select_linguas = $('#linguas');
linguas.forEach(function (lingua) {
    select_linguas.append('<option value="' + lingua + '">' + lingua + '</option>');

select_linguas.on('change', function () {
    var lingua = this.value;
        url: "" + lingua + "/country.json",           
        dataType: "json"
    }).done(function (data) {
        var novosPaises = Object.keys(data).map(function (lingua) {
            return '<option value="' + lingua + '">' + data[lingua] + '</option>';

To use on your own server:

(the safest option) you can do so:

Copies the files to the server and creates a PHP file to read JSON. A simple example:


$json_file = file_get_contents('country.json');
echo $json_file;

index php.

        cache: false,
        dataType: "json"
    }).done(function (dados) {
    console.log(typeof dados)
         for (codigo in dados){
        $('body').append('<div>' + dados[codigo] + ', ' + codigo + '</div>'); 

This way it works even in old IE8.
Example I created on an onlline server:

  • Hello @Die, would there be some way to get via . json? something else $.ajax I would need a webserver to use(xampp, wampp)?

  • @Ricardohenrique the example qe dei will fetch a JSON. The solution I gave is with JSON. Regarding $.ajax does not need webserver, works locally, is Javascript...

  • checking other solutions that would not need webserver (had not yet read your comment) I came across the following code: $.getJSON(url_do_json, Function(data) { for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { $(Document.body). append('<div>' + data[i]. title + ', ' + data[i]. duration + '</div>'); } }); i tested it within $(Document). ready(Function() but the same did not work what well to do to make it work?

  • @Ricardohenrique that $.getJSON is in practice the same as my code my code with $.getJSON thus

  • it is possible to use a . json stored on my own machine?

  • @Ricardohenrique is. You can copy the Github repository and use it in the local domain.

  • Ok, I am using the json document provided by them, another point, test using only this json (without var with content) with the following code $.getJSON("./HTML/Countries.json", Function(data) { Alert(data.length); for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { //$(Document.body). append('<div>' + data[i].name + ', ' + data[i].code + '</div>'); Alert(data[i].name); } }); but it didn’t work

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