Run SQL Query multiple times between two dates (MYSQL)


Viewed 89 times


I wonder how I do to run an SQL query between two dates where for example:

the user will choose two dates:

starting date = 20/04/2020 final date = 25/04/2020

so I wanted to know how do I do to do this (for example):

select * from teste where data = 20/04/2020 ... ( data inicial)
select * from teste where data = 21/04/2020 ... 
select * from teste where data = 22/04/2020 ...
select * from teste where data = 23/04/2020 ...  
select * from teste where data = 24/04/2020 ...  
select * from teste where data = 25/04/2020 ... ( data final )`

I tried it in php but not with this SQL, I put an example :

 $data_ini = "24/04/2020";
 $data_fim = "05/05/2020";

 $dt1 = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $data_ini);
 $dt2 = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $data_fim);

 $data_inicio = new DateTime(($dt1->format('Y-m-d')));
 $data_fim = new DateTime(($dt2->format('Y-m-d')));

 // Resgata diferença entre as datas
 $dateInterval = $data_inicio->diff($data_fim);

 $i = 0;

 for($i = 0; $i <= $dateInterval->days; $i++) {

 $dataSql = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.$i.'days', strtotime(($dt1->format('Y-m-d')))));
         //echo $dataSql;
         echo "<br/>";

         $sql = "select * from teste where data = $dataSql";

         echo $i.' '.$sql;
         echo '<br>';
         echo '<br>';

Result shown in echo:

0 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-24

1 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-25

2 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-26

3 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-27

4 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-28

5 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-29

6 select * from teste where data = 2020-04-30

7 select * from teste where data = 2020-05-01 


Sorry if this is not possible, I am a student and this is my first question, this solution can be either in mysql or in php, if someone could help me... Thank you very much

  • You need to effectively make different Selects or would just be a SELECT checking if the date is within range? ... WHERE data BETWEEN '2020-04-20' AND '2020-04-25' ....

  • Hello I would like to make different selects repeatedly between the dates the user chose that is possible? And the date of each query is the initial date +1 day and so on until you reach the final date

  • If you want something procedural then create a procedural routine. SQL is a declarative language. Search by previous in the manual.

  • In your code, it prints on the screen, the X selects what you want to run in the database? function mysqli_query() for example?

1 answer


Got two outs to make:

Between dates with BETWEEN

from teste 
where data between '20/04/2020' and '24/04/2020'

This will return the day (20, 21, 22, 23 and 24) if they exist

Either date

from teste 
where data = '20/04/2020' 
or data = '24/04/2020'

This will return only on the 20th and 24th if they exist

All the results will be returned in one table.

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