How to add a Label inside a Textblock by code Behind


Viewed 187 times


How do I add these Labels within the TextBlock, for code behind?

    <Label x:Name="NumeroPergunta" FontWeight="Bold" />
    <Label x:Name="Pergunta" />

What I have so far:

var tbPergunta = new TextBlock {Text = pergunta.Pergunta};

1 answer


I got it using the property Inlines of Textblock:

First I created the Labels dynamically:

var lblNumeroPergunta = new Label
    Content = contNumeroPerguntas.ToString(),
    FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
var lblPergunta = new Label { Content = pergunta.Pergunta };

Then I created the TextBlock

var tbPergunta = new TextBlock();

And finally, using the property Textblock.Inlines., managed to add the Labels:


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