Where can I find the Styles.xml file?


Viewed 209 times


I have a very simple application that runs an html file. I’m really wanting to change the color of the status bar, because the top and bottom pattern in black is horrible for the color palette of the page shown. I have no idea about Android and can not start learning now, but I tried to follow the answers, as in this question here at Stack Overflow: How to change the status bar color in android. However, I can’t even find the Styles.xml file that is indicated to put the parameters inside. I tried to create the "value" folder with the Styles.xml file inside, but only corrupted the app, as I imagined it would happen.

This is how is seen the file tree of this my app (generated by Website to APK Builder):

árvore de arquivos

What do I do to accomplish this? Please help me!

Note: I tried the editions by Android Studio.

For more details, here is the . apk: Google Drive

1 answer


You can test creating a new project in Android Studio both in java and Kotlin, inside the res directory by default has a values directory (Voce commented value, I do not know if the missing S may have been your problem). Inside this values directory are some files like strings.xml, dimn.xml, Colors.xml and Styles.xml

You can add other useful files to your project there... example this printer I have:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thanks for the reply Avallone. I noticed that the default project already has res/values/Styles.xml . The problem is that I don’t know how to merge with "my" app. I say "my" because it was generated in the program Website to APK Builder, I don’t even know where the Android rsrs goes from there, for being a very simple application I thought it would be simple to do it too... but I could not result for days :/

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