Stack implementation in C, how to pass values?


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I am trying to implement a stack in C. The prompted by the teacher is already basically done which was to show an error if the stack was full or empty. But when going to main I found great difficulty.

//  Trabalho Prático 1.c
//  IFTM
//  Created by Lelre Ferreira on 4/26/20.
//  Copyright © 2020 Lelre Ferreira. All rights reserved.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
    //Vetor onde os dados serão armazenados posteriormente
    int elementos[MAX_ELEMENTOS];
    //Posição na pilha e quantidade de elementos
    int topo;
} pilha;

pilha * cria_pilha(){
    pilha *pi;
    pi = malloc(sizeof(pilha));

    if (!pi) {
        pi -> topo = 0;
    return pi;


int empilha(pilha *pi, int p);
int desempilha(pilha *pi);
int tamanho (pilha *pi);
void destroi(pilha *pi);

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]){
    //Ponteiro para pi para pilha, sempre que for usar no main
    //Criando a pilha atribuindo ao ponteiro pi a chamada de função cria_pilha();
    pilha *pi = cria_pilha();
    //Cria vetor de struct preenchido com a quantidade MAX_ELEMENTOS
    pilha infos[MAX_ELEMENTOS] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTOS; i++) {
        empilha(pi, infos[i]);

int empilha(pilha *pi, int p){
    if (pi == NULL || pi -> elementos == ((int*)MAX_ELEMENTOS)) {
        printf("Erro, pilha cheia.\n");
        return 0;

    pi -> elementos[pi->topo] = p;
    pi -> topo = pi -> topo + 1;
    return 1;

int desempilha(pilha *pi){
    if (pi == NULL || pi -> elementos[0] == 0) {
        return 0;

    pi -> topo = pi -> topo -1;
    return pi -> elementos[pi->topo];

int tamanho(pilha *pi){
    return pi -> topo;

void destroi(pilha *pi){

I created the for inside the main to call the MAX_ELEMENTOS fill function times and place the array values inside the stack. However I am not getting this error... Passing 'stack' to Parameter of incompatible type 'int'

I identified, the error the function stacks, the second argument is as integer. And when I call the function in main, I am passing the stack creation pointer and an Info vector of the cell type and not int. However I created the array as stack type by code struct phallus being declared as typedef struct stack which is a requirement too... How can I work with this vector?

1 answer


Hello I made a small correction, with this change will be passed as argument an int value of the array elements, present in the struct info of the kind pile, instead of the struct info in itself,

for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTOS; i++) {
        empilha(pi, infos -> elementos[i]);

I added this part to test if the stack had been successfully filled

for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTOS; i++) {
        printf("%d", pi -> elementos[i]);

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