How to print variable component in Laravel 7?


Viewed 103 times


I have a $user variable in my Controller. So:

public function index()
        $userBiografia = "Biografia do Usuário";
        return view('user.index', compact('userBiografia'));

I can print it peacefully in the "user.index" View using:

{{ $userBiografia }}

So far ok!

The great PROBLEM is: I cannot use this variable within my components. My component structure is like this:

{{ $userBiografia }} //Aqui estou imprimindo na View, ok, mas não é aqui que quero fazer isso.
<div class="profile-sidebar pd-lg-r-25">
   <div class="row">
   </div><!-- row -->
</div><!-- profile-sidebar -->

and within this component I call a new component which is where in fact the variable will be printed.

Anyone who can help I really appreciate it, because I haven’t found anything about it.

Thank you!!!

1 answer


You need to pass as parameter of the @Component method.

See if this example can help you.

@component('component.pagination', ['collection' => $students, 'class' => 'student-pagination'])
  • I ended up putting everything in this format: "<x-userSidebarLeftWidgetBiografia />", then created a View, in App, by Artisan himself. There I am doing all the data processing. I liked it because the code on the blade is clean. I don’t know if I could understand kkk but the video was this link

  • Ahhh yes, thank you Barttolo!

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