Error @Postmapping @Manytoone settando "usuario_id" spring boot


Viewed 186 times


I’m using Spring and Hibernate in one of the applications I’m working on and I have a problem with processing transactions.

I need to do a POST using 2 entities, the Lancamentoentity and Usuarioentity, where the release has the user_id. When I tried to use with "optional = true" was going, trying to pass the User id to the release.setIdUsuarioEntity() the error in Postman is this:

Erro no método postLancamento(): Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing the transaction

Call on the Postman:



"descricao": "Teste sdad   adsuygh  dsahudashuasdhu  iadshuidashuidas    ",
"valor": 780 

My method in the controller:

public String postLancamento(@PathVariable(value = "usuario_id") Long usuario_id, @Valid @RequestBody LancamentoEntity lancamentoEntity,
    UsuarioEntity usuarioEntity) {
try {
    usuarioEntity = new UsuarioEntity();
    // usuarioEntity.getId(); 
    lancamentoEntity = new LancamentoEntity();
    return usuarioEntity.toString();
} catch (
Exception e) {
    return "Erro no método postLancamento(): " + e.getMessage();


  package com.webservice.msi.model;
@Table(name = "lancamento")
public class LancamentoEntity implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
@Column(name = "data_de_lancamento")
private LocalDateTime data_de_lancamento;
private String descricao;
private Float valor;
// @JoinColumn(name = "usuario_id")
@ManyToOne( cascade =  CascadeType.ALL, optional = false)
private UsuarioEntity usuario;
public LancamentoEntity() {
public LancamentoEntity(UsuarioEntity usuario, LocalDateTime data_de_lancamento, String descricao, Float valor) { 
this.usuario = usuario;
this.data_de_lancamento = data_de_lancamento;
this.descricao = descricao;
this.valor = valor;
public UsuarioEntity getUsuarioEntity() {
return usuario;
public void setUsuarioEntity(UsuarioEntity ue) {
this.usuario = ue;
public LancamentoEntity(UsuarioEntity ueId) {
this.usuario = ueId;
public Long getId() {
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getDescricao() {
return this.descricao;
public void setDescricao(String descricao) {
this.descricao = descricao;
public Float getValor() {
return this.valor;
public void setValor(Float valor) {
this.valor = valor;
public LocalDateTime getData_de_lancamento() {
return this.data_de_lancamento;
public void setData_de_lancamento(LocalDateTime data_de_lancamento) {
this.data_de_lancamento = data_de_lancamento;


User entity:

@Table(name = "usuario")
public class UsuarioEntity implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
@Size(max = 30)
private String nome;
@NotBlank(message = "Por favor, insira um e-mail")
@Size(max = 50)
private String email;
@Size(max = 50)
private String senha;
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
private ContaEntity conta;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "usuario", cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<LancamentoEntity> lancamentos;
public UsuarioEntity() {
public UsuarioEntity(Long id) { = id;
public UsuarioEntity(String nome, String email, String senha) {
this.nome = nome; = email;
this.senha = senha;
public UsuarioEntity(String nome, String email, String senha, ContaEntity contaEntity) {
this.nome = nome; = email;
this.senha = senha;
this.conta = contaEntity;
public Long getId() {
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getNome() {
return this.nome;
public void setNome(String nome) {
this.nome = nome;
public String getEmail() {
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
public String getSenha() {
return this.senha;
public void setSenha(String senha) {
this.senha = senha;
public List<LancamentoEntity> getLancamento() {
return lancamentos;
public void setLancamento(List<LancamentoEntity> lancamentos) {
this.lancamentos = lancamentos;
public ContaEntity getIdContaUsuario() {
return this.conta;
public void setIdContaUsuario(ContaEntity contaEntity) {
this.conta = contaEntity;
public String toString() {
return "{" + " id='" + getId() + "'" + ", name='" + getNome() + "'" + ", lastName='" + getSenha() + "'"
    + ", email='" + getEmail() + "'" + ", conta ='" + getIdContaUsuario() + "'" + "}";

The error in the terminal I am realizing is that I am not correctly passing only the Usuarioentity.getId():

Completed initialization in 6 ms Hibernate: select as id1_2_1_, usuarioent0_.conta_id as conta_id5_2_1_, as email2_2_1_, usuarioent0_.nome as nome3_2_1_, usuarioent0_.senha as senha4_2_1_, lancamento1_.usuario_id as usuario_5_1_3_, as id1_1_3_, as id1_1_0_, lancamento1_.data_de_lancamento as data_de_2_1_0_, lancamento1_.descricao as descrica3_1_0_, lancamento1_.usuario_id as usuario_5_1_0_, lancamento1_.valor as valor4_1_0_ from usuario usuarioent0_ left outer join lancamento lancamento1_ on where
  • Could show the entire code of your Entity classes?

  • @I edited with Entities.

1 answer


In your example, you initialize the objects lancamentoEntity and usuarioEntity in his method.

First, the usuarioEntity is not required in the method signature. The second step is not to reset the object lancamentoEntity because you pass it in the parameter:

    public String postLancamento(@PathVariable(value = "usuario_id") Long usuarioId, @Valid @RequestBody LancamentoEntity lancamentoEntity) {
        try {
            UsuarioEntity usuarioEntity = usuarioRepository.findByUsuarioId(usuarioId);

            return usuarioEntity.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "Erro no método postLancamento(): " + e.getMessage();
  • I think my Usersrepository is wrong, it looks like this: Repository public interface Usuariorepository extends Jparepository<Usuarioentity, Long> { } Look at the error: The method findByUsuarioId(Long) is Undefined for the type Usuariorepositoryjava(67108964) Taking advantage of Lancamentorepository: Repository public interface Lancamentorepository extends Jparepository<Lancamentoentity, Long> { }

  • It was just an example, you can user findyById(). As your id is already a @Id, the repository will create the method for you.

  • Got it like this: Optional<Usuarioentity> optional = usuarioRepository.findById(usuarioId); Usuarioentity usuarioEntity = optional.get();

  • You can do this in a line also with .findById(usuarioId) .orElseThrow(() -> NofFoundException);. with Optional it is always good to check whether it exists or not, because via its API there may be a case that the userId is not valid (it is not in the bank)

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