Pass Select sql to the default used in Laravel


Viewed 39 times


In my phpMyAdmin, I use the SQL below:

select as categoria_id, 
nome as categoria_nome, 
count(*) as Quantidade from `livros` 
inner join `categorias` on `livros`.`categoria_id` = `categorias`.`id` group by `categoria_id`

SQL above works giving the result below:

categoria_id  categoria_nome      Quantidade
2             MEDICINA LEGAL      1
3             HISTÓRIA DO BRASIL  4
4             HISTÓRIA DO DIREITO 5
5             BIOGRAFIA           2

but when I try to pass it to Laravel 6 using the syntax below:

$dados = DB::table('livros')
            ->join('categorias', 'livros.categoria_id', '=', '')
                DB::raw(' as category_id'),
                DB::raw('nome as category_name'),
                DB::raw('count(*) as Quantidade'))

gives error below:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 '' isn't in GROUP BY (SQL: select as categoria_id, nome as categoria_name, count(*) as Quantidade from `livros` inner join `categorias` on `livros`.`categoria_id` = `categorias`.`id` group by `categoria_id`)

Where can I be wrong about that?

  • Instead of categoria_id put

  • @Virgilionovic put in groupBy ? If yes, I put and gave this: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'group statement' (SQL: select as category_id, name as category_name, Count(*) as Quantity from livros Inner Join categorias on livros.categoria_id = group by

1 answer


Solved by adding the lines below on config database.php of Laravel 6:

'mysql' => [

       'strict' => true,// acrescentado as linhas abaixo
       'modes' => [


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