Error mimetype application/octet-stream in jpeg image with Laravel


Viewed 354 times


When trying to upload an image with Laravel I notice a different code behavior depending on the size of the image preventing the upload of the file as demonstrated in the image below that I get with the function dd() in Laravel;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Code of my function to update the record with the image name to make the link in html;

public function update(Request $request, User $user, $id)
    try {
        $data = $request->all();
        $resource = $user->findOrFail((int)$id);
        $img = $request->file('image');

        if ($img) {        
            if ($img->isValid()) {
                $nameFile = hash('md5', now()->timestamp) . '.' . $img->extension();
                $upload = $request->file('image')->storeAs(
                    'marca', "$nameFile"
                if (!$upload) {
                    throw new Exception('Falha ao enviar imagem!', '500');
                $data['image'] = $nameFile;
            } else {
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        return redirect()->back()->withErrors($exception->getMessage());

    return redirect("/user/$resource->id")->with('saved', "success");

But if I open the same image in Paint and reduce the size in percentage of the image to 25% I can upload the file normally.

Could someone tell why the code behaves differently in relation to the image size?

Print out the image details I can’t upload; inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Image Properties edited in Paint that I CAN upload; inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • This is a server problem, not the Laravel problem, the Laravel site has an api for you to manage the strings by the get method.

2 answers



Configure mimetypes on Linux server If your hosting environment is Linux Apache, please use the . htaccess file to add file extensions to your website. Follow an example below (mp4 extension):

Extension of mp4 video

AddType video/mp4 .mp4

change video/mp4 to what you are wanting to allow, more take care, see it if you do not mess up and opens a security breach of the server.

Lista com os mime-types mais comuns
Extensão    Mimetype    Tipo de arquivo
.7z application/7z  7-Zip
.aac    audio/x-aac Áudio
.apk    application/ Aplicativo Android
.avi    video/x-msvideo Vídeo
.bin    application/octet-stream    Binário
.css    text/css    Folhas de estilos
.doc    application/msword  Documento de texto
.exe    application/octet-stream    Pacotes executáveis
.html   text/html   Hipertexto
.js application/x-javascript    Javascript
.mp4    video/mp4   Vídeo
.pdf    application/pdf PDF
.swf    application/x-shockwave Adobe Shockwave
.zip    application/zip Compactação



I had this same problem, and as a last attempt I updated Laravel via Composer (update in the project folder) and to my surprise there was a mime update, guess what? Everything is back to normal and it is life that follows! Thank you!


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