Reference DOM element in Jquery otherwise


Viewed 173 times


Hello, look at these lines of code:

 <div id="divn4" align="center"><i style="">Nunca, nunca enviamos span.</i></div>

So, if I wanted to reference the italic there, to apply some function to it, without having to put an id, or class, in Jquery, how can I do it? I think of something like:


In short, it would be something like in CSS, where you can create a selector not necessarily using an ID or Class..

1 answer


The i is an HTML tag in the same way that p or div, and hence a valid CSS selector, so the solution is:

$("#divn4 i").text("teste");

If you want to change all italics you can really use $("i")


$("#divn4 i").text('Texto dentro do "i" aqui.');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="divn4" align="center">Texto fora do "i" aqui. <i style="">Nunca, nunca enviamos span.</i></div>

  • Perfect, I didn’t have this idea that it was in the same way the specificity applied there in CSS, it was also in javascript(jquery), grateful partner, even more.

  • 1

    @Alexandrec.Caus The jQuery (and pure JS selectors with querySelector and querySelectorAll) are the same as the CSS, save one or other extension.

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