How to treat an sql command in the Laravel controller?


Viewed 133 times


Good night, you guys. I followed the dompdf tutorial successfully for static texts, now I wanted to make a query in the database to print the results in tables in a pdf and I get this error:

Illuminate\Database\QueryException thrown with message "SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'CONDICOES' in 'where clause' (SQL: SELECT, p.descricao, sum(i.valorcusto * i. qtd) custo, sum(i.qtd) quant, sum( venda, sum( * i.valorcusto)) lucro, sum((v.desconto/(v.valor+v.desconto))* valordesconto FROM itemvenda i JOIN venda v on JOIN produtos p on WHERE (v.valor+v.desconto)<>0 AND (i.situacao=0) AND v.situacao=0 AND >= 2017-01-01 AND <= 2021-01-01 AND v.tipo <> CONDICOES AND v.tipo <> PENDENTE AND v.tipo <> ORCAMENTO AND v.tipo <> BAIXA AND v.tipo <> RET_EST AND v.tipo <> DEVOLUCAO GROUP BY i.idproduto,p.descricao)"

The query works if it is done directly in SQL BD, but when I try to do it by the controller in the Windows gives error. I wonder what I’m doing wrong, I tried two different codes.

first Controller-

public function generatePDF(){
        $dbusuario = new Funcoes; //instancia o Helper
        $bancousuario = $dbusuario->selecionausuario();
        $data = DB::connection($bancousuario)
              ->select('SELECT, p.descricao, sum(i.valorcusto * i. qtd) custo, 
                     sum(i.qtd) quant, sum( venda, 
                     sum( * i.valorcusto)) lucro, 
                     sum((v.desconto/(v.valor+v.desconto))* valordesconto 
                     FROM itemvenda i 
                        JOIN venda v on 
                        JOIN produtos p on 
                     WHERE (v.valor+v.desconto)<>0 AND 
                           (i.situacao=0) AND 
                            v.situacao=0 AND >= 2017-01-01 AND 
                   <= 2021-01-01 AND  
                            v.tipo <> CONDICOES AND 
                            v.tipo <> PENDENTE AND 
                            v.tipo <> ORCAMENTO AND  
                            v.tipo <> BAIXA AND 
                            v.tipo <> RET_EST AND 
                            v.tipo <> DEVOLUCAO 
                      GROUP BY i.idproduto,p.descricao');

        $pdf = PDF::loadView('myPDF', $data);
        return $pdf->stream();


    <div class="row">
        <div class="col">
            <div class="card card-small mb-4">
                <div class="card-header">
                <div class="card-body">
                        @foreach($data as $customer)
                            <td>{{ $customer->id }}</td>
                            <td>{{ $customer->descricao }}</td>
                            <td>{{ $customer->custo }}</td>
                            <td>{{ $customer->quant }}</td>
                            <td>{{ $customer->venda }}</td>
                            <td>{{ $customer->lucro }}</td>
                            <td>{{ $customer->valordesconto }}</td>

2nd Controller-

$dbusuario = new Funcoes; //instancia o Helper
$bancousuario = $dbusuario->selecionausuario();
$data = DB::connection($bancousuario)->select('SELECT, produtos.descricao')
        ->sum('(itemvenda.valorcusto * itemvenda. qtd)custo')
        ->sum('(itemvenda.qtd) quant')
        ->sum(' venda')
        ->sum('(( - (itemvenda.qtd * itemvenda.valorcusto)) lucro)')
        ->sum('((venda.desconto/(venda.valor + venda.desconto))* valordesconto')
        ->join('venda ON = itemvenda.idvenda')
        ->join('produtos produtos ON = itemvenda.idproduto')
        ->where('(venda.valor + venda.desconto) <> 0')
        ->orWhere('itemvenda.situacao = 0')
        ->orWhere('venda.situacao = 0')
        ->orWhere(' >= 2017-01-01')
        ->orWhere(' <= 2021-01-01')
        ->orWhere('venda.tipo <> CONDICOES')
        ->orWhere('venda.tipo <> PENDENTE')
        ->orWhere('venda.tipo <> ORCAMENTO')
        ->orWHere('venda.tipo <> BAIXA')
        ->orWhere('venda.tipo <> RET_EST')
        ->orWhere('venda.tipo <> DEVOLUCAO')
        $pdf = PDF::loadView('relatorios.index', $data);
        return $pdf->stream(); //assim você visualiza o arquivo antes de baixar */

In both attempts the error is the same. I searched for sql manipulation by Aravel, tried up to DB::raw, but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Thank you in advance.

  • Who gave downvote could at least explain why.

  • 1

    CONDITIONS should not be a string? , or try to exchange for ->orWhere('sale.type', '<>', 'CONDITIONS') in all occurrences

  • Yes, thank you very much, I didn’t know how a string should be treated this way. Thank you very much!

1 answer


Like CONDITIONS, PENDING, etc... are strings so they should be in quotes in the query so you can choose to ->orWhere("venda.tipo <> 'CONDICOES'") or ->orWhere('venda.tipo', '<>', 'CONDICOES')

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