How to refresh page and leave static selection?


Viewed 28 times


I have a select with some options to create a filter, what happens is that when I update the select page goes back to the first option. I wish that when I update the page remains with the option I had selected before. It would be possible?

Follow the code below with the creation of select.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
    <div class="form-group">
      <div class="input-group">
        <div class="input-group-btn">
          <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
            <span id="tipo-filtro">Todos</span>
            <span class="caret"></span>
          <ul class="dropdown-menu">
              <input data-label="Todos" checked value="all"
                id="tipo-filtro-todos" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-todos">Todos</label>
              <input data-label="Fornecedor" value="1"
                id="tipo-filtro-fornecedor" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-fornecedor">Fornecedor</label>
              <input data-label="Cliente Interno" value="2"
                id="tipo-filtro-cliente-interno" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-interno">Cliente Interno</label>
              <input data-label="Cliente Externo" value="3"
                id="tipo-filtro-cliente-externo" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-externo">Cliente Externo</label>
              <input data-label="Setor" value="4"
                id="tipo-filtro-setor" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-setor">Setor</label>
              <input data-label="Principal" value="5"
                id="tipo-filtro-principal" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-principal">Principal</label>
              <input data-label="Local" value="6"
                id="tipo-filtro-local" type="radio" name="tipo-filtro">
              <label for="tipo-filtro-local">Local</label>
        <select multiple="multiple"
          class="doNotSelect2 selectmultiple form-control requester_mult_select"
          style="width: 100%;"
  • Yes it is possible, if you have some interaction with a database or use localStorage.

1 answer


Yes, you can do it using the cookies or localStorage.

Here is an example of how it can be done using the localStorage.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <select id="select">
      <option value="1">1</option>
      <option value="2">2</option>
      var select = document.getElementById("select");

      select.addEventListener("change", function(e) {

      var opts = select.options;
      for (var opt, j = 0; opt = opts[j]; j++) {
        if (opt.value == localStorage.getItem("selected")) {
          select.selectedIndex = j;

It’s worth taking a look at this content on Window.localStorage:

There’s also this question about manipulating select worth taking a look at:

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