Check whether array contains selected value in a mysql query with PHP


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I wonder if you could help me?
I need to check if array contains a specific value in a mysql query.

In a function I get the day value of the week:

$wekc = 4

In table tb_turg, I own the weekg column that holds the values like this:

idturg weekg
1      1,3,5
2      1,2,4
3      0,4
4      3,6
5      4,6
6      1,2
7      1,4,6
8      0,1,2,3,
9      2,4
10     3,5

Then I created the array like this:

$sqlturg = "SELECT weekg,abng,classg FROM tb_turg WHERE abng != '$nwdatefer' AND classg = '1' ORDER BY idturg ASC";
$querya = $conn->query($sqlturg);
while($rowtg = $querya->fetch_assoc()) {
$weekg = $rowtg["weekg"];

@$nwekga .= $weekg." - ";

Then I separated this array:

$nwekg = rtrim($nwekga, ' - ');
$aw = explode(' - ', $nwekg);
foreach($aw as $bw) {
$cw = $bw;

$sqlga = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT idturg,weekg FROM tb_turg WHERE weekg = '$cw' AND classg = '1' ORDER BY idmodg ASC");
$rowtga = $sqlga->fetch_assoc();
$idturg = $rowtga["idturg"];
$ag = $rowtga["weekg"];

$fw = explode(',', $ag);
foreach($fw as $gw) {
$hw = $gw;

if (in_array($wekc, $fw)) { 

$sqlgb = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT idturg,codturg FROM tb_turg WHERE idturg = '$idturg' AND classg = '1'");
$rowtgb = $sqlgb->fetch_assoc();
$idturg = $rowtgb["idturg"];
$codturg = $rowtgb["codturg"];

echo $idturg . "<br>";
} else {
echo "";


But it is not working because it is repeating results of the $sqlgb query
CONCLUSION: He would have to list the idturg only of the lines that have the day 4 (Thursday), without repeating.
Thank you very much!

1 answer


Just do it like this: FIND_IN_SET($wekc,weekg)

$sqlturg = "SELECT idturg FROM tb_turg WHERE FIND_IN_SET($wekc,weekg) AND classg = '1'"

And I would only need one consultation... Aff
I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m still learning.

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